


首部中文版音樂劇《獅子王》(“THE LION KING”)將於 2016年6月16日 在 上海迪士尼度假區 上演

首部中文版音樂劇《獅子王》將於 2016年6月16日 在 上海迪士尼度假區 上演
First Mandarin Production of Disney’s “THE LION KING” Opens June 16 at Shanghai Disney Resort

Highly Acclaimed Broadway Musical, Seen Around the World, Comes to Walt Disney Grand Theatre


For the first time, the memorable music, drama and grandeur of THE LION KING come to life in Mandarin, as Disney’s landmark musical event opens at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre on June 16, 2016, at Shanghai Disney Resort.


One of the most popular and acclaimed musicals of all time, the Broadway hit is presented at the lavish, 1,200-seat theater in Disneytown, the resort’s retail, dining and entertainment area. This is the first time the full Broadway production will be presented at a Disney resort anywhere in the world.


Disney Theatrical Productions, which created THE LION KING and produces it around the world, expects the production to resonate deeply with Chinese audiences, as they connect with the themes and adapted script on a spiritual and emotional level.

       「看到這批出色的演員將這部音樂劇表演得栩栩如生,我再次驚嘆於茱莉‧泰默(Julie Taymor)美妙、優雅的想像力和這個故事本身所具有的能在所有文化中引起共鳴的魅力,」迪士尼戲劇製作集團總裁和製作人托馬斯•舒馬赫(Thomas Schumacher)說道,「作為我們與迪士尼樂園及度假區的首次合作,我們很榮幸能將這部音樂劇帶到上海來!」

“Seeing this glorious cast bring the show to life, I’m struck again by the beauty and grace of Julie Taymor’s vision and by the universality of a tale that seems to speak to every culture,” said Thomas Schumacher, President and Producer, Disney Theatrical Productions. “We are honored to bring the production to Shanghai, marking our first collaboration with our partners at Disney Parks and Resorts.”

       改編自獲獎動畫電影《獅子王》,導演茱莉‧泰默(Julie Taymor)在創作這部音樂劇時賦予了這一經典故事新的深度,並由此成為第一位獲得托尼獎®最佳導演獎的女性。觀眾通過攝人心魄的舞蹈設計、華麗逼真的演出服裝、惟妙惟肖的角色造型以及美崙美奐的舞台裝飾,發揮想像,彷彿置身於故事之中。伴隨著跌宕起伏的音樂,觀眾隨之融入一個扣人心弦的歷險中,小獅子辛巴必須找到勇氣戰勝自己,邁過艱難和不幸,從而榮登國王之位。

Director Julie Taymor brought new depth to the classic story and reinterpreted it for the stage, becoming the first woman to ever win best director at the Tony Awards®. Implementing a bold creative vision and featuring sophisticated choreography, costumes and puppetry, the visually captivating and emotionally uplifting production invites audiences to use their imagination. With award-winning music and a story line based on the acclaimed animated motion picture, the production sweeps audiences into the gripping tale of Simba, a lion cub who must find the courage to overcome tragedy and take his place as the leader of his pride.

       這部久盛不衰的百老匯音樂劇首演於 1997 年 11 月 13 日,中文版《獅子王》是其第九個語言版本。音樂劇《獅子王》曾在六大洲的 20 個國家上演過,觀眾總人數超過 8,500 萬,其全球票房收入超過了娛樂業歷史上的任何一部電影或舞台演出劇目。中文版的製作,在中國亞洲的十多個城市裡進行了演員甄選,總共招募了50 多名才華橫溢的演員,其中既有音樂劇的新秀,也有經驗豐富的資深演員;既有來自上海中國各地的人才,也有10 位來自南非的演員。

The Mandarin production marks the ninth language for this long-standing Broadway musical, which debuted on Nov. 13, 1997. THE LION KING has been enjoyed by over 85 million people in 20 countries across six continents, and has garnered more in ticket sales than any movie or stage play in entertainment history. For this production, Disney auditioned in more than a dozen cities in China and Asia to put together the ideal cast of more than 50 performers. The multi-national cast ranges from newcomers to seasoned professionals, with talent from Shanghai and across China plus 10 South African performers.

       上演19年來,《獅子王》音樂劇始終獨領風騷,是全球最受歡迎的舞台音樂劇之一。自1997年11月13日百老匯首演以來,全球已有超過8,500萬觀眾觀賞了22個不同製作版本的《獅子王》音樂劇,總演出時數已相當於足足132年。 《獅子王》音樂劇由迪士尼戲劇集團製作(托馬斯‧舒馬赫執掌),在全球上演的各製作版本中,有5個版本持續上演10年及以上,是史上第二部擁有此傲人成績的劇目。 《獅子王》音樂劇已被譯成8種不同語言(日語、德語、韓語、法語、荷蘭語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語以及中文),目前有8個製作版本同時在全球上演,包括紐約 百老匯倫敦西區、漢堡東京馬德里墨西哥城,以及北美和日本的巡演。迄今,《獅子王》音樂劇已在全球20個國家進行過演出,足跡遍佈除南極洲外的所有大洲。作為最成功的劇目之一,《獅子王》音樂劇的全球票房收入超過了歷史上任何一部電影、百老匯演出及其他娛樂演出劇目。

In its 19th year, THE LION KING remains ascendant as one of the most popular stage musicals in the world. Since its Broadway premiere on November 13, 1997, 22 global productions have been seen by more than 85 million people and, cumulatively, run a staggering 132 years.Produced by Disney Theatrical Productions (under the direction of Thomas Schumacher), THE LION KING is only the second show in history to generate five productions worldwide running 10 or more years. Translated into eight different languages (Japanese, German, Korean, French,Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin), productions of THE LION KING can currently be seen on Broadway; London’s West End; Hamburg; Tokyo; Madrid; Mexico City; and on tour across North America and Japan, for a total of eight productions running concurrently across the globe. Having played 20 countries on every continent except Antarctica, THE LION KING’s worldwide gross exceeds that of any film, Broadway show or other entertainment title in box office history.


The 23rd global production of this highly successful Broadway musical will contribute to the one-of-a-kind immersive entertainment found throughout Shanghai Disney Resort.


“THE LION KING is an incredible production that brings the magic of Disney to life on stage,” said Laurie Jordan, Vice President of Entertainment for Shanghai Disney Resort. “I am thrilled to welcome guests to the Walt Disney Grand Theatre to witness all the wonder that is THE LION KING.”


The Walt Disney Grand Theatre, designed in Deco industrial style, is reminiscent of the grand theaters of old Shanghai. It has a Chinese fan motif on the marquee, front door, carpet and acoustic panels and is an icon for Disneytown. With separately ticketed shows, it introduces a world-class theatre experience to Shanghai and offers guests the opportunity to enrich their resort experience. Guests walk to the theatre along a floral-inspired paving pattern that comes to life at night with sparkling lights.


The show runs 2 ½ hours with a 15-minute intermission, with one evening performance daily Tuesday through Friday, and two performances on Saturdays and Sundays (schedules subject to change).

‧《獅子王》訂票專線:400-108-8888 或 86-21-31768888

To purchase tickets for THE LION KING at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, and for more information, guests may:
‧Visit the official website of Shanghai Disney Resort,
‧Call THE LION KING Reservation Center at 400-108-8888 or 86-21-31768888

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 首部中文版音樂劇《獅子王》(“THE LION KING”)將於 2016年6月16日 在 上海迪士尼度假區 上演
首部中文版音樂劇《獅子王》(“THE LION KING”)將於 2016年6月16日 在 上海迪士尼度假區 上演
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