


「上海迪士尼開園盛典」(“Shanghai Disney Resort Grand Opening Gala Concert” )

上海迪士尼度假區「夢想開幕」特別節目 向全國直播,共享神奇
著名作曲家譚盾、上海交響樂團與各界明星 將在上海迪士尼樂園為「夢想開幕」獻演

Nationwide Broadcast Special Creates a Magical Mood for Grand Opening of Shanghai Disney Resort
Renowned Composer Tan Dun, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Celebrities Perform at Shanghai Disneyland for Grand Opening


On the eve of the Grand Opening of Shanghai Disney Resort, Disney celebrated the historic occasion with a star-studded, two-hour broadcast that captured the extraordinary spirit of the first Disney resort in Mainland China.  Marking a moment years in the making, world-renowned composer Tan Dun conducted the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in an inspiring performance of his original composition, “Igniting the Magical Dream” —which celebrates the occasion’s poetic message—and Disney stories came to life in wondrous ways on the Enchanted Storybook Castle.

      華特迪士尼公司董事長兼行政總裁 羅伯特‧艾格先生認為,以音樂慶典與整個中國神州大地分享盛大開幕的喜悅之情,真是再完美不過了。

Disney Chairman and chief executive officer Bob Iger said the musical celebration was a perfect way to share the grand opening excitement with China.


“Music has always been an essential part of Disney’s legendary storytelling,” Iger said.  “On the eve of our Grand Opening, we are proud and honored to have Tan Dun tell the spectacular story of Shanghai Disney Resort through original music that perfectly captures the very soul of this special place; and we are thrilled to have such renowned Chinese artists sharing their talents to bring this magical story to life in this extraordinary, historic performance.”


The two-hour special was broadcast nationwide on China’s Dragon TV. The “Shanghai Disney Resort Grand Opening Celebration” took a special look at Shanghai Disneyland in the two-hour program. The show is being presented for U.S. audiences on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD and each channel's App, and on Freeform.

       在這次播出的特別節目中,曾為電影《臥虎藏龍》創作原聲、深受觀眾喜愛的作曲家譚盾,帶領音樂家們呈現震撼人心的交響樂表演,並將中西方的音樂元素融入了經典的迪士尼音樂。這是迪士尼第一次為一座度假區的開幕而譜寫原創交響樂。多位知名藝人也出現在音樂晚會的現場,包括著名影星孫儷、當紅歌星譚維維張靚穎李克勤。著名鋼琴家郎朗也對 迪士尼動畫《冰雪奇緣》中的經典歌曲《隨它吧》進行重新編排,並進行了現場演奏。

During the special, beloved composer Tan Dun, widely known for film scores including “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” led musicians in a stirring performance of the symphony, which blended Chinese and Western musical motifs along with iconic Disney music. This was the first time that Disney has commissioned an original symphony to commemorate the opening of a resort. The concert also featured top celebrity performers, including famed actress Sun Li; accomplished pianist Lang Lang playing a custom arrangement of “Let it Go” from Disney’s “Frozen,” and star vocalists Tan Weiwei, Jane Zhang and Hacken Lee.


The Enchanted Storybook Castle­—the largest, tallest castle at any Disney park­—came to life with dramatic lighting and elaborate projections of Disney stories, while spectacular fireworks illuminated the night sky. Projections in the castle show offered a glimpse into the magical transformation guests will soon enjoy when they attend nightly performances of “Ignite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light.”


Honoring the resort’s appeal to multiple generations and the dreams of young and old alike, the concert featured the talents of an elderly male Erhu player and a young female violinist playing side by side. The performance culminated with an 800-person, multi-generational choir filling the stage as Enchanted Storybook Castle sparkled with light, representing new dreams being ignited to unlock the childlike spirit in everyone.


In the park, these same celebrated talents performed live at the Evergreen Playhouse for guests of the three-day Grand Opening celebration.  Afterward, the celebration continued in Tomorrowland, where guests enjoyed a performance by contemporary pop star Momo Wu at the Pepsi E-Stage.


Thursday, June 16, 2016, will mark another historic milestone as Shanghai Disneyland opens its gates and welcomes its first official guests.

 Shanghai Disney Resort Offers Something for Everyone


Shanghai Disney Resort is the first Disney resort in Mainland China, offering Disney storytelling and experiences designed especially for Chinese guests of all ages. The resort’s theme park, Shanghai Disneyland, features world-class attractions and live entertainment spectaculars across its magical themed lands. 

       「探險島」讓遊客們置身於新發現的遠古部落中。「奇想花園」的裝飾充滿奇思妙想,包含眾多互動空間,讚頌了大自然的奇妙和想像力帶來的快樂。「米奇大街」是全球迪士尼主題樂園中首個以米奇和他的歡樂夥伴們為主題的迎賓大道。「明日世界」展現了未來的無盡可能和最光明的願景。 「寶藏灣」是全球迪士尼樂園中首個海盜主題園區,遊客與傑克船長和戴維‧瓊斯共同踏上冒險征程。「夢幻世界」的創造靈感來自於迪士尼的動畫電影,是樂園中最大的園區,也是宏偉壯麗的「奇幻童話城堡」所在之處。這也是全球最高、最大、最具互動性的迪士尼城堡。

Adventure Isle immerses guests in a newly discovered lost world. The Gardens of Imagination celebrates the wonders of nature and joy of imagination with whimsical décor and interactive spaces. Mickey Avenue is the first main entry at a Disney theme park that’s inspired by the colorful personalities of Mickey Mouse and his pals. Tomorrowland is a place of limitless possibilities, where the promise of tomorrow looks brighter than ever. Treasure Cove is the first pirate-themed land in a Disney park, an exciting place to join the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones. The largest of all the lands, Fantasyland, is inspired by Disney’s animated films and is home to the majestic Enchanted Storybook Castle­—which represents all of the Disney Princesses.


Adjacent to the theme park is Disneytown, a vibrant shopping, dining and entertainment district that includes the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, home to the first-ever Mandarin production of the Broadway hit Disney’s THE LION KING. Another guest highlight is the World of Disney Store, the first in Asia, offering a comprehensive collection of Disney merchandise and many products designed especially for Shanghai Disney Resort.

       遊客還可入住上海迪士尼度假區的兩座酒店,延續迪士尼的神奇體驗。 「上海迪士尼樂園酒店」和「玩具總動員酒店」這兩家充滿想像力的主題酒店都臨近主題樂園,為遊客提供輕鬆愉快的入住體驗。毗鄰酒店和「迪士尼小鎮」的「星願公園」,面積約50萬平方米,免費對公眾開放,讓遊客能徜徉寧靜的綠地和愜意的小徑,欣賞波光粼粼的湖景。

Adjacent to the theme park is Disneytown, a vibrant shopping, dining and entertainment district that includes the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, home to the first-ever Mandarin production of the Broadway hit Disney’s THE LION KING. Another guest highlight is the World of Disney Store, the first in Asia, offering a comprehensive collection of Disney merchandise and many products designed especially for Shanghai Disney Resort.


Shanghai Disney Resort offers a distinctive Disney experience that reflects the beauty and unique identity of today’s China—from entertainment with Chinese acrobats and traditional regional dining options, to the Shikumen architecture at Disneytown and Chinese Zodiac designs in Garden of the Twelve Friends.


Throughout the resort, guests will encounter another distinguishing Disney difference: warm hospitality and renowned guest service delivered by Disney cast members.

© 上海迪士尼度假區 
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「上海迪士尼開園盛典」(“Shanghai Disney Resort Grand Opening Gala Concert” )
「上海迪士尼開園盛典」(“Shanghai Disney Resort Grand Opening Gala Concert” )
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