Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!華特迪士尼製片廠(The Walt Disney Studios)於今天公佈 Emily Blunt 和 Lin-Manuel Miranda 將會在《歡樂滿人間》(“Mary Poppins”)續集《Mary Poppins Returns》中分別飾演 主角Mary Poppins 以及 負責點燃街燈的燈夫Jack,電影將會由 Rob Marshall 執導,並且會在2018年12月25日於北美地區上咉。
It is official! “Mary Poppins Returns” will be released on December 25, 2018. Emily Blunt has been cast as Mary Poppins and Lin-Manuel Miranda will play a street lamplighter named Jack. This movie is directed by Rob Marshall.
It is official! “Mary Poppins Returns” will be released on December 25, 2018. Emily Blunt has been cast as Mary Poppins and Lin-Manuel Miranda will play a street lamplighter named Jack. This movie is directed by Rob Marshall.