



上海迪士尼度假區歡慶重要歷史時刻   中國大陸首座迪士尼度假區「夢想開幕」
Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates Historic Grand Opening as the First Disney Resort in Mainland China

迪士尼董事長兼行政總裁 羅伯特‧艾格 與 政府代表 啟動上海迪士尼樂園開幕儀式,正式迎接首批遊客。 60年的創意、創新和故事講述傳統 打造完美融合迪士尼神奇與獨特中國魅力的度假區

Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger Joins Chinese Leaders to Declare Shanghai Disneyland Open to Its First Official Guests; A 60-year History of Creativity, Innovation and Storytelling Brings Disney Magic to a Resort That Is Distinctly Chinese


Shanghai Disney Resort, the first Disney resort in Mainland China and the sixth worldwide, celebrated its historic Grand Opening today, culminating one of Disney's most ambitious projects ever. The wonder and imagination of Disney greeted the people of China in magical new ways as the gates opened to Shanghai Disneyland, a theme park like no other with the biggest, tallest castle in any Disney park, the first pirate-themed land and Disney's most technologically advanced park to date.

       華特迪士尼董事長兼行政總裁 羅伯特‧艾格 與數千名特邀來賓、各界名流及相關政府代表共同慶祝了這座獨一無二的度假目的地的盛大開幕。上海迪士尼度假區體現了迪士尼樂園和度假區60年來的創新、創意與故事講述傳統,將「原汁原味迪士尼」與「別具一格中國風」完美融合。

Bob Iger, chairman and chief executive officer, The Walt Disney Company, celebrated the opening of the one-of-a-kind vacation destination with thousands of distinguished guests, celebrities and Chinese officials. Shanghai Disney Resort reflects Disney's 60-year history of innovation , creativity and storytelling, in a way that is authentically Disney and distinctly Chinese.

       「上海迪士尼度假區的夢想開幕是對創意和合作的頌讚,也是對想像力和創新的歡慶,更是迪士尼與中國堅實合作的最佳體現,」羅伯特‧艾格 評價說,「我們攜手並肩,打造了這個與眾不同的目的地,一個全球獨一無二的神奇之地。在這裡,中西文化完美交融,過去與未來精彩碰撞。只要心懷夢想,一切都將變為現實。我們由衷地希望這片精彩的地方將啟迪我們創造更多的奇蹟,並為未來一代又一代的中國人民創造歡樂。」

 “The grand opening of Shanghai Disney Resort is a celebration of creativity and collaboration, a triumph of imagination and innovation, and a testament to the strong partnership between Disney and China,” Iger said. “Together we have created an extraordinary destination, a magical place unique in all the world, where East meets West, the past meets the future, and anything is possible for those who believe. It is our sincere hope that this spectacular place will inspire wonder and create joy for the people of China for generations to come.”

       為紀念迪士尼與中國共同打造這一度假目的地的合作夥伴關係,羅伯特‧艾格中共中央政治局委員、國務院副總理汪洋中共中央政治局委員、上海市委書記韓正,共同剪斷了一條紅色與金色交織的緞帶,象徵著度假區恢宏的主題樂園——上海迪士尼樂園的盛大開幕。 1955年,在首個迪士尼樂園開園時,華特‧迪士尼 向大家發出邀請:「所有來到這片快樂的地方的朋友們,歡迎你們!」。今天,羅伯特‧艾格 也向大家發出了同樣的邀請。

Honoring the Disney-Chinese partnership that created this resort, Iger and Chinese officials cut a red-and-gold ribbon to dedicate Shanghai Disneyland, the resort's magnificent theme park. Joining Iger were Wang Yang, CPC Politburo Member and State Council Vice Premier, and Han Zheng, CPC Politburo Member and Party Secretary of Shanghai. Iger also shared a greeting similar to the one Walt Disney said on opening day for the original Disneyland, in 1955: “To all who come to this happy place, welcome.”


Disney developed the Resort in a joint venture with Shendi Group. Fan Xiping, the Shendi Group chaiman, said in a statement: “After five years of joint efforts, partners from both China and the United States have created magic together. In the process of combining global standards and local best practices, we integrated with each other and established mutual trust and effective communication. The young team has learned and grown in the process, bringing into full play its role as the local guide. The team worked closely with Disney in the development and construction of Shanghai Disneyland and the resort, jointly building the tallest and largest Disney castle in the world, and providing quality services to our guests. The team's dedication and commitment make it an unforgettable chapter in their life.”


The Grand Opening ceremony marked the moment with music, pageantry and a stream of Disney characters, from Mickey Mouse and Snow White to Baymax and Jack Sparrow, in front of the iconic Enchanted Storybook Castle. A multi-generational choir performed a unique version of the Disney song, “When You Wish Upon a Star,” arranged in a Chinese style to reflect the balance of Disney magic and China's cultural spirit at Shanghai Disney Resort. The ceremony also featured six performers holding enormous, brightly colored fans to represent the six lands of Shanghai Disneyland.


Shanghai Disney Resort is filled with immersive Disney storytelling, thrilling attractions, spectacular live entertainment and memory-making experiences designed to inspire and delight Chinese guests. The world-class vacation destination includes a magical theme park with six themed lands, two imaginatively designed hotels, a Disneytown shopping and dining district, and Wishing Star Park recreational area.

First Official Guests Discover Thrills of Shanghai Disneyland

       「夢想開幕」當天,數萬遊客來到上海迪士尼樂園,體驗探索包括諸多在迪士尼主題樂園首次亮相的世界級景點及現場娛樂表演。數千名遊客參觀體驗了「星願公園」和集購物、餐飲與娛樂於一體的「迪士尼小鎮」。 「華特迪士尼大劇院」也坐落於「迪士尼小鎮」,遊客能在此欣賞首部中文版迪士尼經典音樂劇《獅子王》。除此以外,還有兩座主題酒店,共同為每一位遊客——無論男女老少,無論年齡大小,提供完整的度假目的地體驗。

Tens of thousands of guests entered Shanghai Disneyland on its Grand Opening day to explore world-class attractions and live entertainment spectaculars—many being offered for the first time in a Disney theme park. Thousands more guests visited the resort's Wishing Star Park recreational area and Disneytown , a vibrant retail, dining and shopping district that is home to the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, where guests may experience the first Mandarin production of Disney's musical hit THE LION KING. Those areas, along with two imaginatively themed Disney hotels, offer guests a complete vacation destination with something for everyone—young and old, girls and boys, families and multi-generational guests.


The three-day Grand Opening event also included two red-carpet occasions: Tuesday’s premiere of the first Mandarin production of THE LION KING, now showing at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, and Wednesday’s gala concert with celebrity performers at Shanghai Disneyland.

Shanghai Disney Resort Offers Something for Everyone


Shanghai Disney Resort offers a range of magical experiences, from thrilling adventures and original entertainment to themed food and beverages, beautifully landscaped gardens and novel places for guests to play, relax and dream.

       上海迪士尼樂園由六大主題園區組成,歡迎遊客展開探索,體驗夢幻和想像的新世界。 「探險島」讓遊客們置身於新發現的遠古部落中,探索神奇世界。 「奇想花園」的裝飾風格充滿奇思妙想,包含眾多互動空間,讚頌了大自然的奇妙和想像力帶來的快樂。 「米奇大街」是全球迪士尼主題樂園中首個以米奇和他的歡樂夥伴們為主題設計的迎賓大道。 「明日世界」展現了未來的無盡可能和最光明的願景。 「寶藏灣」是全球迪士尼樂園中首個以海盜為主題的園區,遊客將與傑克船長戴維‧瓊斯共同踏上冒險征程。 「夢幻世界」的創造靈感來自於迪士尼的動畫電影,是樂園中最大的園區,也是宏偉壯麗的「奇幻童話城堡」的所在之處。這也是全球最高、最大、最具互動性的迪士尼城堡。

The six themed lands of Shanghai Disneyland invite guests to step into new worlds of imagination and fantasy. Adventure Isle immerses guests in a newly discovered lost world. The Gardens of Imagination celebrates the wonders of nature and joy of imagination with whimsical décor and interactive spaces. Mickey Avenue is the first main entry at a Disney theme park that's inspired by the colorful personalities of Mickey Mouse and his pals. Tomorrowland is a place of limitless possibilities, where the promise of tomorrow looks brighter than ever. Treasure Cove is the first pirate- themed land in a Disney park, a place to join the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones. The largest of all the lands, Fantasyland, is inspired by Disney's animated films and home to the majestic Enchanted Storybook Castle – the tallest, largest and most interactive Disney castle in the world.


Adjacent to the theme park is Disneytown, which features approximately 50 international shopping and dining locations in five unique areas. The World of Disney Store, the first in Asia, offers a comprehensive collection of Disney merchandise, with products designed especially for Shanghai Disney Resort and the Grand Opening. The lavish Walt Disney Grand Theatre, also in Disneytown, is now playing the Mandarin premiere of Disney's hit musical, THE LION KING, a separately-ticketed event.


Guests may continue their Disney experience at the resort’s two hotels, the elegant Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and the whimsical Toy Story Hotel. The themed hotels are conveniently located near Shanghai Disneyland and promise a fun, relaxing stay.


Near the hotels and Disneytown is Wishing Star Park, which offers guests the opportunity to enjoy peaceful greenery, a 2.5 kilometer walking path and a glittering lake, with approximately 500,000 square meters open to the public.


Incorporating unique characteristics that Chinese guests will recognize and appreciate, Shanghai Disney Resort offers a distinctive Disney experience that reflects the beauty and unique identity of today's China—from traditional regional dining cuisine and Chinese acrobatic performances, to the Shikumen architecture at Disneytown and Chinese Zodiac designs in Garden of the Twelve Friends.


Throughout the resort, guests will encounter another distinguishing Disney difference: warm hospitality and renowned guest service delivered by Disney cast members.

Shanghai Disney Resort Dedication Ceremony

The Making of Shanghai Disneyland

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 上海迪士尼度假區「夢想開幕」
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