


迪士尼音樂劇《獅子王》中文版全球首演 與 「迪士尼小鎮」、上海迪士尼樂園酒店、玩具總動員酒店 和「星願公園」正式開幕!

上海迪士尼度假區舉行三天「夢想開幕」盛典   迪士尼音樂劇《獅子王》中文版全球首演

Shanghai Disney Resort Launches Historic Three-Day Grand Opening with World Premiere of THE LION KING in Mandarin


Celebrities Among the First to Enjoy Highly Acclaimed Broadway Musical at Walt Disney Grand Theatre; Guests Explore Disneytown and Wishing Star Park as Resort Approaches Official Grand Opening on June 16

       上海迪士尼度假區於週二晚間在「華特迪士尼大劇院」舉辦盛大慶典,慶祝 迪士尼音樂劇《獅子王》的中文製作版本的全球首演,並由此揭開這座全新度假區「夢想開幕」的序幕,以迎接其6月16日的正式開幕。一襲紅毯通往嶄新的大劇院入口,歡迎各界精英、名流的到來,包括憑藉百老匯音樂劇《獅子王》而榮獲「托尼獎」的導演 —— 茱莉‧泰默(Julie Taymor)。

Shanghai Disney Resort celebrated the global premiere of the first Mandarin production of Disney’s THE LION KING Tuesday night in a gala affair at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre. The premiere launched the Grand Opening festivities for the new resort, which officially opens on June 16. A red carpet entry to the new theatre welcomed celebrities, luminaries and Julie Taymor, the Tony-award winning director of the original Broadway production of THE LION KING.

       作為長期以來備受追捧和讚譽的音樂劇之一,百老匯熱門音樂劇《獅子王》在華麗的「華特迪士尼大劇院」榮耀呈現。 《獅子王》中美妙難忘的音樂、感染人心的舞台表演及宏大壯觀的場面,贏得了全球八千五百多萬觀眾的好評。 2016年6月16日,《獅子王》將對公眾正式上演,這也將是一部完整的百老匯音樂劇第一次在迪士尼度假區內進行呈現。

One of the most popular and acclaimed musicals of all time, the Broadway hit THE LION KING is presented at the beautiful Walt Disney Grand Theatre, with all the memorable music, drama and grandeur that has entertained more than 85 million people around the world. This is the first time the full Broadway production will be presented at any Disney resort, and it opens to the public on June 16, 2016.

       「《獅子王》是 迪士尼 深受喜愛的經典劇作,能呈現其全球首個中文製作版本,我們深感自豪。」華特迪士尼公司董事長兼行政總裁 羅伯特‧艾格 表示,「這一歷史性的表演通過別緻新穎的方式,為觀眾生動再現動人故事,真正體現『原汁原味迪士尼,別具一格中國風』的獨特韻味。」

 “We are very proud to present the world premiere of the first-ever Mandarin production of Disney’s beloved classic, THE LION KING,” said Bob Iger, chairman and chief executive officer, The Walt Disney Company.  “This historic performance brings the story to life for our guests in a way that is authentically Disney, distinctly Chinese and completely unique.”

Disneytown Guests Experience Shopping, Dining and Entertainment
       紅毯儀式同時也慶祝「迪士尼小鎮」——上海迪士尼度假區內國際化的購物餐飲娛樂區——以及 兩家設計別緻的主題酒店 和「星願公園」的正式開幕。繼這些區域的盛大開幕後,上海迪士尼樂園也將於6月16日週四正式開門迎客。

The red-carpet occasion also saluted Disneytown—the resort’s international retail, dining and entertainment area—as well as two imaginatively designed hotels and Wishing Star Park. Following the grand opening of those areas, Shanghai Disneyland will open on Thursday, June 16.

       「迪士尼小鎮」內坐落着首座「華特迪士尼大劇院」、亞洲首家「迪士尼世界商店」以及近50家餐廳和購物場所。 「華特迪士尼大劇院」共有1,200個座位,單獨售票,為中國觀眾呈現原汁原味的百老匯劇院體驗。

Disneytown is home to the first Walt Disney Grand Theatre, the first World of Disney Store in Asia and approximately 50 dining and shopping locations. The 1,200-seat Walt Disney Grand Theatre, with its separately ticketed shows, brings an authentic Broadway theatre experience to China.


The World of Disney Store is one of the most technologically advanced Disney retail experiences in the world, offering an extensive array of Disney merchandise and many items found exclusively at Shanghai Disney Resort.

       「迪士尼小鎮」由五個與眾不同的區域組成:「小鎮市集」、「迪士尼小鎮湖畔」、「百食香街」、「百老匯大道」、「百老匯廣場」。其他開放商舖包括:擁有展示廚房的精品甜品店「甜蜜滿勺」,讓顧客親自參與體驗的全球最大樂高商店,明星廚師親力呈現的當代餐廳「Wolfgang Puck」,以及備受歡迎的地道滬菜連鎖餐館小南國等。

Disneytown comprises five distinctive areas: Marketplace, Lakeshore, Spice Alley, Broadway Boulevard and Broadway Plaza. Also open is Spoonful of Sugar, a confectionery boutique and show kitchen; LEGO, a hands-on retail experience and world’s largest LEGO store; Wolfgang Puck Kitchen & Bar, the celebrity chef’s latest contemporary restaurant; and Shanghai Min, the popular restaurant chain serving authentic Shanghainese cuisine.

Hotels of Shanghai Disney Resort and Wishing Star Park Welcome Guests

       上海迪士尼度假區酒店 —— 優雅別緻的「上海迪士尼樂園酒店」和 充滿童趣的「玩具總動員酒店」 —— 歡迎遊客入住。兩家酒店共擁有1,200間客房,能讓遊客的迪士尼體驗從日間延續至夜間,並提供獨特的用餐體驗、與迪士尼朋友的互動體驗及其它神奇禮遇。 「星願公園」也向公眾開放,寧靜的步行道圍繞著波光粼粼的湖水,旖旎風光、休閒娛樂,相得益彰。

The hotels of Shanghai Disney Resort are now welcoming guests to the elegant Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and the imaginative Toy Story Hotel. With more than 1,200 guest rooms, the hotels extend the Disney experience for guests from day until night, with unique dining experiences, character encounters and magical amenities. Wishing Star Park is also open to the public with a serene walking path around the glittering lake, stunning landscape and recreational activities.

Shanghai Disney Resort is Vacation Destination for Everyone

       作為中國大陸首座迪士尼度假區,上海迪士尼度假區結合迪士尼標誌性的故事講述與遊客體驗,是為中國各年齡段的遊客特別設計的家庭度假目的地。度假區的主題樂園 —— 上海迪士尼樂園 —— 共有六個主題園區:「探險島」、「奇想花園」、「米奇大街」、「明日世界」、「寶藏灣」及擁有「奇幻童話城堡」的「夢幻世界」,為遊客打造世界級的景點和現場娛樂演出。主題樂園的遊客也可入住度假區酒店、遊覽「迪士尼小鎮」和「星願公園」,獲得更為完整的度假體驗。

As the first Disney resort in Mainland China, Shanghai Disney Resort is a magical family vacation destination filled with Disney storytelling and experiences designed especially for Chinese guests of all ages. The resort’s theme park, Shanghai Disneyland, features world-class attractions and live entertainment spectaculars across six themed lands: Adventure Isle, Gardens of Imagination, Mickey Avenue, Tomorrowland, Treasure Cove and Fantasyland, with the Enchanted Storybook Castle. For a complete vacation experience, theme park guests may also stay at the resort hotels, and visit Disneytown and Wishing Star Park.


Incorporating unique characteristics that Chinese guests will recognize and appreciate, Shanghai Disney Resort offers a distinctive Disney experience that reflects the beauty and unique identity of today’s China—from entertainment with Chinese acrobats and traditional regional dining options, to the Shikumen architecture at Disneytown and Chinese Zodiac designs in Garden of the Twelve Friends.

       在度假區中,遊客也會發現另一個 迪士尼特點:迪士尼「演職人員」的熱情招待和聞名的遊客服務。

Throughout the resort, visitors will encounter another distinguishing Disney difference: warm hospitality and renowned guest service delivered by Disney cast members

‧《獅子王》預訂中心:400-108-8888 或 86-21-31768888

THE LION KING admission is separate from entrance to Shanghai Disneyland. Guests may purchase tickets for THE LION KING at Walt Disney Grand Theatre at:
‧The official website of Shanghai Disney Resort,
‧THE LION KING Reservation Center at 400-108-8888 or 86-21-31768888
‧Official ticketing companies and travel partners

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 迪士尼音樂劇《獅子王》中文版全球首演 與 「迪士尼小鎮」、上海迪士尼樂園酒店、玩具總動員酒店 和「星願公園」正式開幕!
迪士尼音樂劇《獅子王》中文版全球首演 與 「迪士尼小鎮」、上海迪士尼樂園酒店、玩具總動員酒店 和「星願公園」正式開幕!
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