




“Star Wars™: Tomorrowland Takeover” to debut at Hong Kong Disneyland
in just 10 days
Fans celebrate with an exclusive preview of the experience

       由今個夏日起,香港迪士尼樂園將推出全新《星球大戰》娛樂項目,為賓客呈獻全新的星戰體驗!「星球大戰:入侵明日世界」將於6月11日起推出 ,一系列亞洲獨有的《星球大戰》主題項目,包括「星戰極速穿梭」、「星球大戰 : 指揮站」及「絕地聖殿武士特訓」,將帶領賓客走進星戰前線,參與這場哄動整個銀河系的驚險對決!

Hong Kong Disneyland is celebrating all things Star Wars this summer! “Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover” will officially kick off at Hong Kong Disneyland in just 10 days on June 11, with brand-new offerings like Hyperspace Mountain, Star Wars: Command Post and Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple as they deliver a Star Wars experience of galactic proportions.


Today, 60 Star Wars fans joined an exclusive sneak peek event to celebrate “Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover.” They were all thrilled to be among the first to learn creative details about the park’s brand new entertainment offerings. Star Wars fans are looking forward to the immersive Star Wars experience and the chance to dive right into the actions of the galactic confrontation between the light and the dark side.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區 華特迪士尼幻想工程 創意發展總監韋愷禮指出:「『星球大戰:入侵明日世界』是香港迪士尼樂園獨有的全新體驗,賓客可化身成穿梭於星際之間的反抗軍機師、反抗軍英雄或絕地武士,投入一幕幕星戰電影中的激戰現場。」

 “’Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover’ is a brand new experience that can only be seen in Hong Kong Disneyland. Guests will have an opportunity to become a Rebel fighter pilot, hero of the Resistance or Jedi Knight,” said Kelly Willis, director, Creative Development, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

亞洲獨有體驗   置身於《星球大戰》正邪對決
Dodging crossfire at Asia’s only Hyperspace Mountain

        全新「星戰極速穿梭」將「飛越太空山」的極速旅程重新演繹,引領賓客穿梭於《星球大戰》的激烈戰火之中。樂園特別將輪候位置打造成反抗軍的機庫,設置了真實大小的X-wing戰機及放置了機師的飛行服和頭盔,為賓客呈獻《星球大戰》中的反抗軍世界。賓客將化身成驍勇善戰的機師,由Ackbar上將指派任務,登上偵察機,到電影《星球大戰:原力覺醒》中的主要場景 ─ 札古沙漠附近,調查一艘可疑的星際殲滅機,卻因墮入圈套之中而置身於X-wing戰機與鈦戰機的激戰。

As guests enter Hyperspace Mountain, completely reimagined from Tomorrowland’s classic attraction Space Mountain, they will walk past a gigantic life-size X-wing starfighters, flight suits and pilot helmets on their way to try their skill as a rebel pilot. After a mission briefing from Admiral Ackbar, they will prepare to fly to outer space on a reconnaissance mission to survey an Imperial Star Destroyer spotted near desert planet Jakku – a desert planet featured in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, which turns out to be a trap. Riders will thrill to the experience of an epic dogfight between Imperial TIE fighters and Rebel X-wing starfighters.

Star Wars characters converging in Tomorrowland

       反抗軍的秘密基地,正是星戰英雄出沒的地方。身經百戰的Wookiee傳奇戰士Chewbacca與英勇過人的機械人R2-D2將在反抗軍秘密基地「星球大戰 : 指揮站」現身;而黑暗勢力第一部隊Phasma 隊長亦會率領一眾風暴兵進駐「明日世界」巡邏,搜索反抗軍的蹤跡。

Guests can journey to a hidden Resistance base, the Star Wars: Command Post, to meet legendary Wookiee warrior Chewbacca and resourceful astromech droid R2-D2. Look out for Captain Phasma who will lead a team of her Stormtroopers on a First Order patrol in Tomorrowland, searching for any signs of the Resistance.

接受武士特訓    原力對抗黑暗勢力
Jedi Training beckons Force-wielders

       全新的「絕地聖殿武士特訓」是特別為香港迪士尼樂園設計的娛樂體驗,將於6月25日起招募《星球大戰》的小武士(4 至12 歲)穿起經典的武士長袍,接受絕地武士的訓練。但黑暗勢力隨時入侵,小武士要與一眾絕地武士以光劍迎戰《星球大戰》電影系列的Darth Vader和《星球大戰:反抗軍起義》的Seventh Sister帝國判官,並攜手以原力撃退《星球大戰:原力覺醒》中的 Kylo Ren。

Starting from June 25, aspiring younglings (aged 4-12) will be recruited to don Jedi robes and join a secret training session with Jedi masters on how to use the Force, and their wit, to wield lightsabers. Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple is a brand new entertainment experience adapted exclusively for Hong Kong Disneyland. After the training, they will use their new skills to duel Darth Vader from the Star Wars saga, the Seventh Sister Inquisitor from “Star Wars Rebels”, and use the Force to fend off Kylo Ren from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

Out-of-this-world treats and collectibles

       《星球大戰》熱潮勢不可擋,樂園特別推出接近60款《星球大戰》主題美食,包括:「星戰光劍玉桂條」、「黑武士漢堡包套餐」、「星戰棉花糖」及「BB-8 沙冰」等,一一為賓客補充能量,繼續投入星戰戰場。而樂園商店及「太空驛站」亦推出超過230款《星球大戰》的主題商品,包括全新的《星球大戰》Tsum Tsum毛公仔、精緻收藏品及機械人等,賓客甚至可以根據個人喜好,於超過20款配件中作出選擇,親手製作自己的光劍,令這趟星際旅程更添奇妙。為配合「星球大戰™:入侵明日世界」的推出,以《星球大戰》角色為主題的樂園門票亦會同步於今年夏天推出。

At “Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover,” guests can refuel with an extensive range of 60 Star Wars-themed food and beverage options, including Star Wars Lightsaber Churro, Darth Vader Burger Combo, Star Wars Cotton Candy or BB-8 Slush. Shops including Space Traders boast a collection of over 230 Star Wars merchandise items, including all-new Star Wars Tsum Tsums, high-end collectibles, droids and guests will have a chance to build their own lightsabers from a selection of 20 components. Even the park admission tickets feature iconic Star Wars characters, making them sentimental keepsakes for guests enjoying the “Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover” experience this summer.

The Force is strong at the Resort Hotels


The celebration isn’t limited to the park.  Starting from June 11, guests staying at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel or Disney’s Hollywood Hotel can enjoy a Star Wars-themed room decoration package with a choice of the light side or the dark side*. The package includes an exclusive Star Wars door sticker, slippers, bed-runner and a galactic cookies set.

Ultimate Star Wars experience for hotel guests


From June 25 till September 30, hotel guests can also enjoy an exclusive Star Wars package# with lots of great experiences. Young guests can pick their choice of Star Wars costumes, enjoy early enrollment for the Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple, build their own lightsaber before facing off against Star Wars villains and get a taste for the dark side of the Force with a Star Wars combo meal. Guests won’t want to miss the Star Wars-inspired recreation activity at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel.

全新手機應用程式     優化迪士尼體驗
New mobile app gives latest updates

       樂園推出全新手機應用程式,屆時市民可透過應用程式獲取樂園最新資訊,包括樂園營運時間及娛樂節目表演時間,更可於樂園內使用GPS 導航地圖,迅速找出身處位置及鄰近設施,甚至一鍵接通度假區內的餐廳,預留座位享用佳餚。而「奇妙處處通」會員亦可隨時查看會員卡不適用日子及會員尊享禮遇,與親朋好友更盡情投入香港迪士尼樂園的奇妙體驗。

A new mobile app is ready for guests to keep posted on all the excitement at Hong Kong Disneyland, from opening hours to entertainment schedules. Use the GPS-enabled map to find your way around the park, or make reservations for park restaurants with one-tap calling. Magic Access members can also conveniently view blockout calendars and membership privileges with the app, designed to make your visit to the theme park more magical.


Download it for free:
iOS users:
Android users:

* 賓客可選擇另加港幣$600享用《星球大戰》主題房間佈置。

* Guests can pay an additional HK$600 to enjoy a Star Wars themed room decoration.

# 酒店賓客可以港幣$688專享《星球大戰》體驗,體驗名額有限,請於入住酒店時向前台演藝人員登記參加。

# Hotel guests can pay an additional HK$688 for an exclusive Star Wars package. Limited places available, please register through our Front Desk Cast Members upon check in.


© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「星球大戰™:入侵明日世界」將於10日後正式登場!
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