東京迪士尼度假區(Tokyo Disney Resort)在今天正式公佈全新以 迪士尼《Junior Woodchucks》(港譯:《小旋風隊》;中譯:《少年軍校》)漫畫及短篇動畫系列為主題的設施「Camp Woodchuck」將於 2016年11月22日 正式開幕,賓客會有機會在「Camp Woodchuck Greeting Trail」內與「迪士尼朋友」唐老鴨(Donald Duck)和 黛絲(Daisy Duck)見面。另外,相關項目亦會有一間設有440個座位的新餐廳「Camp Woodchuck Kitchen」,而賓客亦有機會到「Happy Camper Supply」選購商品。「Camp Woodchuck」這個全新項目將會建於東京迪士尼樂園(Tokyo Disneyland Park)的「西部樂園」(Westernland)主題園區。
A brand new facility for Disney character greetings and a new restaurant will be built in Westernland. These facilities will be themed to the world of the ‘Junior Woodchucks’ series as shown in Disney comics and animated short films. The new Disney character greeting facility will be the second dedicated greeting facility to open at Tokyo Disneyland since Mickey’s House and Meet Mickey opened about 20 years ago in 1996. The new restaurant will be located in a new two-story facility with an indoor dining area on the second floor and an outdoor dining area with a campfire setting. Guests will be able to relax and enjoy a meal while taking in the scenery of the Rivers of America.
Tokyo Disney Resort