香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)全新官方應用程式已於今天登場!賓客可以在 iTunes 以及 Google Play 下載應用程式,當中可以查看 樂園開放時間、樂園時間表、無障礙設施的安排、各項遊樂設施及娛樂表演的介紹 以及 其它資料。
The all new official app for Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is now available on iTunes and Google Play. Guests can see the park hours, schedules and accessibility information, plus descriptions of attractions, entertainment and the other information in this app.
The all new official app for Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is now available on iTunes and Google Play. Guests can see the park hours, schedules and accessibility information, plus descriptions of attractions, entertainment and the other information in this app.
• 輕鬆導航:地圖設有GPS定位功能,讓你迅速尋找自己身處樂園內的位置,以及鄰近的遊樂設施、餐廳及商店等。
• 為你提供所需詳情:查看樂園開放時間、時間表、無障礙設施的安排、各項遊樂設施及娛樂表演的介紹以及其他資料。
• 預訂行程:一鍵撥通餐廳訂座及酒店預訂熱線。
• 讓「奇妙處處通」會員更方便:瀏覽不適用日子及查詢指定餐廳及商店的購物及餐飲優惠。
Download the official app for Hong Kong Disneyland®!
Enhance your next visit with an enchanting mobile experience. Browse maps, see schedules and much more!
• Exploring Made Easy: Find what you’re looking for at the park with GPS-enabled maps that show your location and the attractions, restaurants, shops and more near you.
• The Details You Need: See park hours, schedules and accessibility information, plus descriptions of attractions, entertainment and more.
• Make Reservations: Enjoy 1-tap calling for restaurant and hotel reservations.
• A Plus for Magic Access Members: View blockout calendars and see your merchandise, food and beverage discounts at select restaurants and shops.
Make your visit more magical with the Hong Kong Disneyland® app!
Download it before your next visit.
==================== 更新(Update) ====================
May 14, 2016:

繼「Magic to Go」後,香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)已經在2016年5月10日推出全新官方應用程式,而園方亦於近日在正門入口擺放了相關的告示牌。
==================== 更新(Update) ====================
July 12, 2016:

香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)全新手機應用程式 的查閲「等候時間」功能已於近期正式投入服務,賓客可透過應用程式獲取樂園最新資訊。
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort