上海迪士尼度假區 5月7日起進入營運測試
Shanghai Disney Resort to Begin Trial Operations on May 7
Cast Members, Invited participants will help test select offerings on select dates to ensure a magical experience for everyone at Shanghai Disney Resort’s
Grand Opening on June 16

上海迪士尼度假區今天宣佈將於5月7日起啟動營運測試,為迎接 6月16日的盛大開幕做準備。營運測試階段將僅向受邀者開放。
Shanghai Disney Resort today announced that it will begin a six-week Trial Operations period with invited participants on May 7, leading up to the resort’s Grand Opening on June 16, 2016.
Shanghai Disney Resort today announced that it will begin a six-week Trial Operations period with invited participants on May 7, leading up to the resort’s Grand Opening on June 16, 2016.
A Trial Operations period is a key pre-opening step for all Walt Disney Parks and Resorts destinations and major attractions around the world. At Shanghai Disney Resort, the Trial Operations period allows invited participants to experience select attractions, entertainment and dining on select dates.

Invited participants for Trial Operations will be limited to Shanghai Disney Resort Cast Members (the term used for Disney employees) and select resort partners and stakeholders, and participation will be on a strictly invitation-only basis. Not all offerings will be available for testing during Trial Operations.
Invited participants for Trial Operations will be limited to Shanghai Disney Resort Cast Members (the term used for Disney employees) and select resort partners and stakeholders, and participation will be on a strictly invitation-only basis. Not all offerings will be available for testing during Trial Operations.
Participation in this Trial Operations period is invitation-only.
© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
© Shanghai Disney Resort