


第一屆「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」將於 2016年9月10日至11日 登場!

「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」

「迪士尼朋友」化身啦啦隊 沿途為打氣


Hong Kong Disneyland presents running magic in September
Inaugural “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” takes runners through theme park and green vicinity

Cheering along the way by Disney friends and Cast Members

Early-bird enrollment for Magic Access members

      全港首個香港迪士尼樂園官方跑步活動 ─香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」將於今年9月10日至11日一連兩日舉行,樂園將首次開放園區進行跑步活動,不論大人小朋友,都可以一嚐在迪士尼奇妙世界跑步的滋味。一眾迪士尼朋友更會化身成啦啦隊,沿途為參賽健兒打氣,為賓客締造全新而獨特的迪士尼運動體驗!公眾可於5月28日(上午10時)起至6月20日於活動報名專頁(報名,「奇妙處處通」會員更可以在5月25日(上午10時起)至27日期間優先報名。

The first Hong Kong Disneyland official running event, “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality”, will be held on September 10 and 11, 2016. The event welcomes runners of all ages to join races of various distances to experience the excitement of running in and around Hong Kong Disneyland for the first time, all while they are cheered on by Disney friends and spectators along the route. Enrollment for the general public is available from May 28 (10am onwards) to June 20 via the dedicated event enrollment web page ( Early-bird enrollment for Magic Access Members begins at 10 a.m. on May 25 to May 27, 2016.


“Running is part of a healthy lifestyle. We’re glad to launch the first-ever official running event at Hong Kong Disneyland,” said Samuel Lau, Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “We hope that guests of all ages are able to explore the joy of exercise through this event, and we plan on introducing more offerings in the future to allow guests to experience Disney magic and develop healthy lifestyle habits at the same time.”

        友邦香港澳門首席執行官陳榮聲表示:「我們很榮幸以『AIA Vitality 健康程式』的名義,贊助今次破天荒在香港迪士尼樂園舉行的奇妙健康旅程!作為客戶的『真生活 真夥伴』,我們希望將健康和快樂的能量散播開去,同時令小朋友從小把運動跟快樂回憶連結起來。這次獨特的跑步體驗,配合『AIA Vitality 健康程式』的健康訊息,加上迪士尼的歡樂氣氛,我相信會有奇妙的化學作用,全面激發參賽者的快樂能量,亦令健康生活的訊息進一步滲透至社區每一個角落!」

Jacky Chan, Chief Executive Officer of AIA Hong Kong and Macau said: “AIA Vitality is thrilled to present the first-ever magical health journey at Hong Kong Disneyland. As ‘The Real Life Company’, AIA hopes this event will spread positive energy and healthy vibes while giving kids happy memories of sports. This one-of-a-kind running experience combines AIA Vitality’s health message and the joyful atmosphere at Disneyland. I am sure it will be a magical experience for all participants while engaging the community to pursue a healthier, more active lifestyle.”

米奇與好友化身啦啦隊 沿途為跑手打氣
Mickey and his friends to cheer on runners

       「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」是首個於香港迪士尼樂園範圍內進行的跑步賽事,並與香港業餘田徑總會合辦。賓客可以一邊投入迪士尼故事的奇妙世界,一邊與親朋摰愛享受運動的樂趣。一大班好動活潑的迪士尼朋友,米奇老鼠米妮老鼠唐老鴨高飛等更會換上醒目的運動服飾,整裝待發,與演藝人員一起化身成啦啦隊,沿途呈獻多項氛圍表演、為參賽健兒送上鼓勵,全情投入這場獨特的迪士尼運動派對!

Co-organized by the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association, the “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” is the first-ever running event that lets guests run into the theme park and around the resort’s meticulously landscaped surroundings. Beloved Disney friends including Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy will put on their sporty costumes and lead Disney’s Cast Members to cheer on all the runners along the route with special cheers, giving the sporty participants a different way to experience Disney magic.

       樂園是次比賽共分為兒童100米 及 200米跑、3公里親子跑、5公里跑及10公里賽四個項目,參賽費用由港幣$199至港幣$899。10公里賽及5公里跑的健兒更可跑入樂園七大主題園區,包括「美國小鎮大街」、「幻想世界」、「明日世界」、「探險世界」、「反斗奇兵大本營」、「灰熊山谷」及「迷離莊園」。比賽期間,沿途為你打氣的迪士尼朋友非常樂意與你合照,一起紀念這個千載難逢的愉快時光。樂園更準備了精彩的兒童跑步活動,讓一家大小在迪士尼的主題氛圍中盡情跑動,全家一起建立健康快樂的生活。此外,樂園亦會將今次跑步活動部份收益捐贈予兒童癌病基金,幫助有需要的兒童。

There are four types of races for runners of different ages to join: 100m and 200m Kids Races, a 3K Family Run, a 5K Fun Run and a 10K Run, with enrollment fees ranging from HK$199 to HK$899. The 10K Run and 5K Fun Run take guests through the seven themed lands in the park – Main Street, U.S.A., Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, Adventureland, Toy Story Land, Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Point. Along the route, runners are welcome to stop and take photos with their favorite Disney friends. The event also offers an opportunity for children and families to enjoy healthy outdoor family fun. In addition, part of the event proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Cancer Foundation to support children in need.

       每位完成賽事的健兒,可於衝線後即場獲頒發獨特的迪士尼獎牌,獎勵你挑戰自我,展現無窮活力。每位成功報名的健兒須於9月3或4日到指定地點領取活動選手包,當中包括樂園門票1張(個別賽事適用*)、活動主題 T裇、號碼布、跑手指南等。有關詳情將於郵寄到跑手的「接納通知書」中列出。

All runners passing the finish line will be awarded an exclusive Disney-themed medal to applaud their triumph in challenging themselves. Each participant can also redeem an exclusive runner’s pack that includes a park admission ticket*, an event T-shirt, a Disney-themed running bib, a runner’s guide and more. The runner’s pack can be collected at an appointed location on September 3 or 4. The collection details will be indicated in the confirmation letter to be mailed to enrolled participants.

跑贏10公里賽 享酒店住宿或自助餐
Special accommodation and dining rewards for 10K Run winners

       值得留意的是:是次樂園跑的米奇10公里賽香港業餘田徑總會合辦賽事,成績將可納入香港排名,讓賽事更具意義。為了鼓勵各參賽健兒,香港迪士尼樂園度假區更特別為比賽的優勝者準備了豐富的獎品,令優勝者可以滿載而歸!賽事將分為四個年齡組別:16 – 19 歲、20 – 34 歲、35 – 44 歲及45歲或以上。每個年齡組別最快完成賽事的首三位選手將會贏得樂園酒店住宿1晚或酒店自助餐。

It is especially worth noting that as the event is co-organized by the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association, the results of the 10K Run will be recognized in the Hong Kong rankings. To add incentives for these dedicated runners, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort will present special accommodation and dining rewards to winners. Runners taking part in the 10K Run will be divided into four age groups: 16-19, 20-34, 35-44, and 45 and above. The three fastest runners of each age group will win one-night accommodation at a resort’s hotel or a buffet in one of the hotels’ restaurants.

~ 米奇10公里賽獎項 獎項 獎品 ~
~ Prizes for 10K Run Winners ~

- 迪士尼好萊塢酒店標準客房住宿 1晚(1 night accommodation in a standard room of Disney’s Hollywood Hotel)

亞軍(First Runner-up):
- 香港迪士尼樂園酒店 翠樂庭餐廳自助晚餐 2位(Dinner Buffet for 2 persons at Enchanted Garden Restaurant, Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel)

季軍(Second Runner-up):
- 迪士尼好萊塢酒店 米奇廚師餐廳自助午餐 2位(Lunch Buffet for 2 persons at Chef Mickey, Disney’s Hollywood Hotel)

Accommodation for runners


Registered participants of the event may enjoy up to 40% off the prevailing room rate for staying in the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney’s Hollywood Hotel’s Rooms between September 8 and 11. Booking will be available through a runners-only website (the link for booking is exclusive to registered participants, accessible from the confirmation email) from May 25 to Aug 3 or at the Hong Kong Disneyland Reservation Centre hotline 1-830-830.

Exclusive merchandise items and dining offer for participants
(Photo for reference only)

     為配合首個跑步活動的展開,參賽健兒可由5月25日#起於活動報名專頁(獨家選購多款限量主題運動商品、「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」的限量精品及樂園優惠餐券。當中商品包括:服飾、運動帽、水樽、毛巾及特別版徽章等,讓賓客可以把迪士尼運動體驗帶回家中。少量精品亦會於比賽當日的活動中心有售,數量有限,售完即止。

Event mementoes and dining offer exclusive for event participants will be available from May 25# via the dedicated event enrollment web page (www. Participants can choose from a range of limited edition merchandise created specially for “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality”. From apparel to caps, water bottles, towels and Disney trading pins, runners can build their own collection while supplies last, to proudly commemorate their participation in the magical and health-enhancing event. Limited quantities of event mementoes will also be available for sale at the park on the event day.

       樂園亦特別推出「三合一至尊餐券」,讓參賽健兒以優惠價 港幣 $198(原價 HK $238)於樂園內指定餐廳享用午餐和晚餐並可於戶外小食亭換領小食。

Participants can also enjoy the exclusive offer of a 3-in-1 Supreme Meal Coupon at only HK$198 (Original price HK$238), which includes a lunch and dinner at designated restaurants and refreshments at Outdoor Vending Carts in the park.

* 兒童100 米及200米跑之套票與「奇妙處處通」白金卡及金卡會員優惠不包含香港迪士尼樂園標準門票。

*Except for participants of 100m and 200m Kids Races, and participants using the Platinum and Gold Magic Access Member discount

# 5月25日(上午10時起)至27日為「奇妙處處通」優先報名日期,公眾可於5月28至6月20日報名。

# Early-bird enrollment for Magic Access Members begins at 10 a.m. on May 25 to May 27. Enrollment for the general public is available from May 28 to June 20.

「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend - 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」有關商品
“Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” Merchandise

商品 Items
價格 Prices
Water Bottle
HK$ 88
Sports Towel
HK$ 68
Adult Short Sleeve Tee
HK$ 215
Women Short Sleeve Tee
HK$ 215
Kids Short Sleeve Tee
HK$ 178
Adult Sports Hat
HK$ 158
Youth Sports Hat
HK$ 128
米奇家族特別版徽章 兒童跑
Mickey Family Special Edition Pin - Kids Races
HK$ 108
米奇米妮特別版徽章 ─ 3公里跑
Mickey & Minnie Special Edition Pin - 3K Race
HK$ 108
迪士尼小熊Duffy & ShellieMay 特別版徽章─ 5公里跑
Duffy & ShellieMay Special Edition Pin - 5K Race
HK$ 108
米奇特別版徽章 ─ 10公里跑
Mickey Special Edition Pin -10K Race
HK$ 108
Mickey Family Special Edition Pin
HK$ 108

Early-bird enrollment for Magic Access members and special offers on spectator tickets

      有意參與「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」的賓客可由5月28日起至6月20日透過報名專頁參與活動,名額有限,先到先得。樂園「奇妙處處通」會員尊享優先登記,可於5月25至27日搶先報名,而白金卡及金卡會員於該段優先期報名更享優先價。

Enrollment for the 2016 “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” will be open from May 28 until June 20 via the enrollment web page on a first-come-first-served basis. Early-bird enrollment will be available from May 25 to 27 exclusively for Hong Kong Disneyland Resort’s Magic Access Members. Platinum and Gold members can also enjoy early bird price during the early-bird enrollment period.


To encourage participants to bring along their own cheering team, each participant may buy up to four spectator tickets at HK$399 for a general admission ticket and HK$299 for a child ticket and enjoy being cheered on by friends & family!

~ 「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」比賽項目詳情 ~
~ “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” Run details ~

~ 活動內容詳情 ~
~ Run package details ~

● 參與相關報名賽事
● 「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式呈獻」主題T裇一件
● 「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式呈獻」主題獎牌連掛繩
● 「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式呈獻」主題號碼布
● 「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式呈獻」主題電子證書
香港迪士尼樂園一日標準門票1張 *

The enrollment fee includes:
● Participation in the enrolled run
● One “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” Event T-shirt
● One “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” Event Medal & Lanyard
● One “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” Event Running Bib
● One “Hong Kong Disneyland 10K Weekend Presented by AIA Vitality” Event electronic certificate
● One 1-Day General Admission Ticket to Hong Kong Disneyland *

* 不適用於兒童100米 及200米跑及享用「奇妙處處通」白金卡及金卡會員優先價之參加者
* 樂園門票有效期為2016年9月5日至9月25日

* Not available for participants of 100m and 200m Kids Races, and participants using the Platinum / Gold Magic Access member early bird price
* Park Admission Tickets are only valid for the period between September 5 and September 25.

~ 報名詳情 ~
~ Enrollment details ~

● 公眾報名日期
9月10日項目: 5月28日(上午10時)起至6月20日
所有項目: 5月30日(上午10時)起至6月20日

● 「奇妙處處通」優先報名日期

● 銷售途徑

● 活動查詢

● Public enrollment period
For September 10 runs: May 28 (from 10 a.m.) – June 20
For all runs May 30 (from 10 a.m.) – June 20

● Early-bird enrollment for Magic Access members
May 25 (from 10 a.m.) – May 27

● Channel
Hong Kong Disneyland website (www.

● Inquiry
Please direct your Inquiries to Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association at (+852) 2177-0149

「奇妙處處通」會員優先登記(Magic Access Members Priority Registration):

公開報名(Public Registration):

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 第一屆「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」將於 2016年9月10日至11日 登場!
第一屆「香港迪士尼樂園10K Weekend ─ 由AIA Vitality 健康程式全力支持」將於 2016年9月10日至11日 登場!
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