


迪士尼《The Finest Hours》電影資料

迪士尼《怒海救援》(“The Finest Hours” ;台譯:《絕命救援》)現正上映,本篇網誌特別綜合了所有本網曾在Facebook專頁上與大家分享的電影資料,以作記錄。

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      把這宗驚心動魄的真人真事搬上大銀幕,忠於事實和細節是 迪士尼《怒海救援》(台譯:《絕命救援》)製作人員的首要要求。當年有份參與搶救行動的海岸防衛隊4人小組,只得其中一名成員費茲傑羅(Fitzgerald)仍然在生,還有另一位當時在海岸防衛隊查咸站當值的葛科(Gouthro)。製作人在籌備初期寫劇本期間已接觸他們,請教一切細節,務求能百分百真實呈現當年的事發經過。

Disney’s “The Finest Hours” is based on the true stories.  The only surviving member of the rescue crew, Fitzgerald, was engaged by the producers in the early stages of development, as was Gouthro, to help ensure the facts and details were authentic.

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       《怒海救援》(台譯:《絕命救援》)於2014年9月開拍,主要在美國 麻省東南部的昆西船塢搭景拍攝,以及沿波士頓南岸取景。製作人表示能夠在事件發生的新英格蘭拍攝,重訪海岸防衛隊4人小組工作的地點,了解到整個地理環境,看到海岸防衛隊的基地、海岸和燈塔,令台前幕後和觀眾都覺得更具真實感。

Principal photography on “The Finest Hours” began in September 2014 in southeastern Massachusetts on stages built at the Quincy shipyards and at locations along the coast south of Boston, including Marshfield, Duxbury, Cohasset and Norwell. The film wrapped four months later on Cape Cod in Chatham. Producer Jim Whitaker adds, “With the size and scope of a story like this, it is important to counterbalance the emotionality of the humanity, so the actors needed to be in an authentic environment for it to feel real both for them and the audience.”

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       在1952年救援行動中出動的36呎木製救生船CG36500 亦被保留了下來,存放在麻省奧爾良的一間博物館裡。《怒海救援》(台譯:《絕命救援》)製作人員把它帶到查咸碼頭細看研究,但不會用來拍攝,恐防令這艘有歷史價值的救生船受損。製作人員嘗試物色其他真的救生船,但原來大部份木製救生船在1968年停用後已被銷毀。幾經艱苦才終於找到4艘近似原裝的救生船。

The actual CG36500 lifeboat skippered by Webber in 1952 still exists and was recently restored by the Orleans Historical Society and Museum in Orleans, Massachusetts. The actors took the lifeboat out in Chatham harbor, but it was not used on camera as the harsh demands of moviemaking could have compromised, if not seriously damaged, the historic vessel. The filmmakers spent months looking for authentic alternatives, which proved to be quite challenging as most of the lifeboats disappeared when the Coast Guard took them out of service in 1968.

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       《怒海救援》(台譯:《絕命救援》)製作人員 Michael Corenblith 從資料搜集過程中得悉,原來二次大戰時期負責把燃油從美國運往歐洲亞洲的油輪,一度需求十分殷切,為了趕製船隻,有造船廠妄顧安全守則,例如用上高含硫量的鋼鐵,由於物料不夠堅固, 遇上嚴寒和惡劣海面情況船身便很容易斷成兩截。

The structure of a T2 tanker is like a system of building blocks glued together, each compartment filled with oil. The ships were originally built to transport fuel from America to Europe and Asia during World War II, and because their function was such a vital one, they were in great demand. As a result, the ships were built so fast that some of the normal safety measures were thrown out, which caused structural issues. “The steel they were made from had a high-sulfur content that weakened its strength, so in very cold situations on very rough seas they had a propensity to break in half," says Michael Corenblith (Production Designer of “The Finest Hours”). 

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       《怒海救援》(台譯:《絕命救援》)美術製作人員就在麻省 昆西市的前船塢搭建了多組主要大型場景,包括「彭道頓號」的機房、駕駛艙、食堂和船員艙房等。又加裝來自重巡洋艦 USS Salem 的艙口和門框,以增加真實感。

The USS Salem, a decommissioned Cold War-era heavy cruiser that is now a part of the United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum docked in Quincy, Massachusetts, has a boiler plant and engines similar to those on the SS Pendleton. The production filmed in the ship’s engine room, diesel generator room and the port mid-ship’s passageway, placing the actors in the most realistic environment imaginable.

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       曾參與製作《未來戰士:創世智能》(Terminator: Genisys)、《黑超特警組3》(Men in Black 3)的 Mark Hawker 出任《怒海救援》(台譯:《絕命救援》)特技總監,在片場打造一個80 x 110呎、容量達80萬加侖的巨型水箱,主要用來拍攝救援小組出海搶救油輪的刺激場面。

Mark Hawker (“Terminator: Genisys,” “Men in Black 3”), the film’s special effects supervisor, helped concept, design and execute the gimbals, which are platforms activated by pistons designed to tilt many thousands of pounds of scenery built atop the platform along a 22-degree arc. These were used to help recreate the storm environment for the Pendleton as well as the lifeboat. It was also at the shipyards where a massive water tank holding 800,000 gallons of water was built. The tank, which measured 80 feet by 110 feet and was used to film scenes of the lifeboat’s voyage out to sea and the subsequent rescue of the Pendleton’s survivors, gave the production the ability to start and stop the waves, wind, rain and snow on command.

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Frogley’s department manufactured six identical versions of each outfit for each of the 33 men on board the Pendleton, as they needed to dress the actors and stunt players, both wet and dry. Each outfit consisted of a shirt, pants, jacket, boots, belt and cap. The apparel was made at a factory in Los Angeles aged, and then shipped to the set in Massachusetts, where it was re-aged again. The Coast Guard did not have official uniforms in 1952 either, so Webber and the other enlisted men were dressed in surplus Navy clothes. Fortunately, Gillespie embraced the color palette she favored as well, which included rust, tans, beiges, browns and blacks, all colors that worked incredibly well with clothing from the ‘50s like overalls, jeans, dungarees and coats.




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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 迪士尼《The Finest Hours》電影資料
迪士尼《The Finest Hours》電影資料
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