


香港迪士尼樂園 誠邀 迪士尼徽章愛好者 於「徽章交換同樂日分享會」分享徽章故事

Share the story of your beloved Disney pin at the “Pin Trading Fun Day Sharing Session”
香港迪士尼樂園 誠邀 迪士尼徽章愛好者 於「徽章交換同樂日分享會」分享徽章故事


Magic Access Members who love pin trading are invited to be one of the speakers to tell the story of your beloved Disney pin, exchange your pin trading experience with the audience.


From March 11-21, 2016, Magic Access Members will only need to submit the required information via the Magic Access Member Site to win a chance to be one of the speakers during the Pin Trading Sharing Session.

“Pin Trading Fun Day Sharing Session” details

Date:April 8-10, 2016


Venue:Animation Academy

No. of Speaker:2 per day (Each selected Magic Access Member may be accompanied by one other Magic Access Member)

報名詳情及方法:2016年3月11日公佈 及 開始接受網上申請
Application method:Details and online application will be available from March 11, 2016

======================= 更新(Update) =======================

March 11, 2016:
香港迪士尼樂園 誠邀 迪士尼徽章愛好者 於「徽章交換同樂日分享會」分享徽章故事
有興趣在「 徽章交換同樂日分享會」(“Pin Trading Fun Day Sharing Session”)的分享環節(約5分鐘)中與其他賓客分享自己的迪士尼徽章珍藏的收藏家可以留意以下內容 以及 在2016年3月11日至3月21日中午12時期間 登入「奇妙處處通」會員專頁 登記相關的資料。


       由2016年3月11日至3月21日中午12時期間,會員只要回答一條簡單問題,分享你最喜愛的一款迪士尼徽章及原因、並上載一幅你與該款徽章的照片,即有機會入圍。入圍者將會有專人致電進行簡談,並有機會成為其中一位分享者,於「 徽章交換同樂日分享會」中有約5分鐘的環節將自己收藏的珍貴迪士尼徽章公諸同好。

Hong Kong Disneyland “Pin Trading Fun Day” event is to be held on April 8-10, 2016. Magic Access Members who love pin trading are invited to be one of the speakers to tell the story of your beloved Disney pin, exchange your pin trading experience with the audience.

From March 11 to Mar 21 (12:00 noon), 2016, Magic Access Members will only need to answer a question and submit a photo of you with your favorite Disney pin via the link below. Shortlisted members will need to complete a phone interview to win a chance to be one of the speakers to deliver a presentation of 5 to 8 minutes relating to the Disney pin mentioned below during the Pin Trading Sharing Session.

- 你最愛那一個迪士尼徽章?最愛的原因是什麼。
- Which one is your favorite Disney Pin? Tell us the reason.

條款及細則(Terms and Conditions):
1. 「『徽章交換同樂日』分享會」(此活動) 由香港國際主題公園有限公司 (本公司) 舉辦。有關參加者 (包括其本人及代表同行親友) 對此計劃所提出的任何及全部申索、索求、賠償和訴訟,本公司恕不負上法律責任。

2. 參加成為此活動的分享者必須年滿18歲,並於此活動當日持有有效「奇妙處處通」會員卡之會員 (參加者) 而舉行。

3. 參加者必須於2016年3月21日中午12時前 (香港時間),提交列明在上頁之所有資料至 (“網頁”)。

4. 本公司將根據以下評選準則選出每天2位參加者:
第一輪:以答案配合主題 (30%)、文字內容 (30%)、提交的迪士尼徽款式(10%)先選出12位入圍者。 第二輪:本公司將會有專人於2016年3月24日致電入圍者進行約5-8分鐘的電話簡談並會以簡談內容選出每天2位參加者。

5. 獲選之參加者 (獲選者) 將於2016年4月1日或之前按其提供的電郵地址收到通知,並於收到通知之後的3天內按其提供的電話號碼收到電話作最後確認出席。若本公司未能與獲選者經電話作最後確認,獲選者參加此活動的資格將被取消。未被選出之參加者恕不另行通知。

6. 獲選者必須出席於其提交申請時所選擇的活動日期在香港迪士尼樂園舉行之「『徽章交換同樂日』分享會」。每位獲選者需於活動期間以5至8分鐘介紹於提交申請時所提及的迪士尼徽章。

7. 獲選者於活動當日可與一位持有有效的「奇妙處處通」會員(同行會員) 出席。獲選者必須陪同同行會員一同出席此活動並確保同行會員遵守此條款及細則。

8. 獲選者及同行會員出席此活動的所有開支,包括但不限於交通費需由獲選者自行支付。


10. 獲選者須簽署本公司提供之表格、文件或同意書。如獲選者當天未能出席,或獲選者未有簽署本公司所提供之表格、文件或同意書者,其獲選資格將會被取消,而本公司將不會負上任何責任。

11.獲選者同意及允許本公司及出席活動傳媒使用、複製及保留於參與活動時所拍攝獲選者及會員的相片、聲音紀錄、錄像或錄音 (錄製品),而無須因任何方式、媒體及出版形式向獲選者及任何人承擔責任 (包括展示或使用錄製品而提出的任何及所有類別及性質的索償、申索、賠償)。獲選者同時允許無條件及不可撤銷地放棄參與錄製品的所有精神權利及類似的作者權利。

12. 獲選者及同行會員必須攜帶和出示獲選電郵通知打印本、有效的「奇妙處處通」會員卡及身份證明文件 (包括但不限於香港身份證,護照或其他附相片的證明文件) 出席此活動。





17. 提交至網頁的資料或題材 (包括任何及全部的文字、訊息、意見、故事、姓名,和/或其他個人資料) 只會被用作執行和管理本計劃之用。所有個人資料將根據以下個人資料收集聲明及私隱政策使用和處理。


19.在任何情況下,本公司均不會對參加者因參與此活動而引致的任何損失及損害(不論是否由本公司的疏忽造成) 或任何人身傷亡 (不論直接或間接) 而負責;包括但並不限於收入、利潤或名譽上的損失,以及本公司已獲悉可能引致的有關損失或損害,不論是基於報名者傳送報名資料途中,因電腦、電話或機件失誤、因人為寄失報名表,或因第三者提供的服務所出現之缺失所致。




23. 本公司保留於任何時間修訂和補充條款及細則;終止或暫停計劃的權利,而無須事先通知。



1. “Pin Trading Fun Day” Sharing Session (“Event”) is organized by Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited (“HKITP”). To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, each of the participants (for themselves and on behalf of their accompanying guests) releases HKITP from any and all claims, demands, compensation and causes of action, of every kind and nature in connection with the Event.

2.To be eligible for sharing the presentation in the Event, guests must be aged 18 or above and holders of a Magic Access Membership Card valid on the date of the Event (such guests, “Participants”).

3. To participate in the Event, Participants must submit all the information requested above by 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on March 21, 2016 to (“Website”).

4.HKITP will select 2 Participants for each session with the following process:
1st Round: 12 Participants will be shortlisted as finalists (“Finalists”) based on the following judging criteria on the Participants’ submitted information: answer relevancy (30%), text content (30%), suggested Disney Pin (10%).
2nd Round: The Finalists will be contacted on the submitted mobile number on March 24, 2016 for a 5-8 minutes telephone interview. The winners are judged and selected based on their performance at the telephone interview.

5. Notice to selected Participants will be sent to the submitted email address on or before April 1, 2016, and the selected Participants will be contacted at the submitted mobile number within 3 days after the notice is sent. If HKITP cannot reach the selected Participants by phone, they will not be allowed to participate in the Event. No notice will be given to Participants who are not selected.

6. Selected Participants are required to attend the Event at the Hong Kong Disneyland on the designated date as selected during their online recruitment submission. Each selected Participant shall deliver a presentation of 5 to 8 minutes relating to the Disney Pin suggested at the online recruitment submission at the Event.

7.Each selected Participant may attend the Event with one Guest who must be a holder of a Magic Access Membership Card valid on the date of the Event (“Accompanying Guest”). Selected Participants must accompany their Accompanying Guest throughout the Event, take full responsibility for their Accompanying Guest and ensure that their Accompanying Guest complies with these Terms and Conditions as applicable.

8. All expenses not specifically provided for herein, including but not limited to transportation costs for attending the Event, are the sole responsibility of each selected Participant and their accompanying guest.

9.All content submitted on the Website or presented at the Event must not be defamatory, harassing, threatening, bigoted, hateful, violent, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or HKITP otherwise considers objectionable in its sole judgment. Failure to meet this requirement will result in disqualification of the Selected Participant and his/her Accompanying Guest without notice.

10.Selected Participants and the Accompanying Guests are required to sign such release forms or any other form, document or agreement as HKITP may require. Failure by any selected Participant to attend the Event and/or failure by any selected Participant to sign such form, document or agreement will result in disqualification of such Participant and HKITP will have no further obligation to such Participant, the Accompanying Guest or any other person.

11.Selected Participants understand and agree that HKITP may use, reproduce and retain any and all any photographs, videotapes and audio recordings (collectively, “Materials”) of the selected Participants and the accompanying guests which may be taken during their participation in the Event, for any purpose and in any manner, medium and format without incurring any liability to the selected Participants, the accompanying guests or any person (including the requirement to pay any compensation in respect of such use of the Materials). Selected Participants further agree and the accompanying guests to waive, unconditionally, irrevocably, and without further payment, all moral rights and author’s rights of a similar kind in relation to the Materials.

12.Selected Participants and their Accompanying Guests must present a printout of the email notification from HKITP, their valid Magic Access Membership Cards and such personal identification as HKITP may require (including but not limited to HKID Card, passport or other photo identification) for verification before admission to the Event.

13.Selected Participants shall be required to enter the Event venue at such time as assigned by HKITP. HKITP reserves the right to decline admission to the Event in case of late arrivals.

14.Any souvenirs given in this Event are not for resale and cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash or other souvenirs.

15.Decisions as to the selection of Participants are subject to HKITP’s sole and absolute discretion. HKITP’s decisions on these matters shall be final and conclusive.

16.Admission to the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Hotel which are set out in the website at
17.Submissions to the Website, including any and all text, messages, ideas, stories, persons' names, and/or other biographical information or material, will be used for implementing and administering the Event only. Subject to the foregoing, any personal information collected on th Website will be held, processed and used in accordance with the Personal Information Collection Statement below and the Privacy Policy available at

18.HKITP reserves the right to exclude persons who are engaged in the administration, development, production or distribution of the Event from participating in the Event.

19.To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, HKITP shall not be liable to any person for any loss or damage (whether caused by the negligence of HKITP or otherwise) or any personal injury or death arising (whether directly or indirectly) from or in connection with the Event (other than personal injury or death resulting from the negligence of HKITP) including, but not limited to, loss of income, profits or goodwill, any loss or damage arising from any failure to receive or process any entry; any error in computing any chance; any computer, telecommunications or equipment failure or malfunction; any deficiency or inadequacy of service rendered by any third party; or any notice which is misdirected or lost in the postal system, even if HKITP has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.

20.This Event is organized in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“HKSAR”) only. HKITP makes no representation that participation in the Event is appropriate or available in other locations. Those who choose to participate in the Event do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent they are applicable.

21.These Terms and Conditions are subject to the interpretation of HKITP which shall be final and conclusive. In the event of disputes, HKITP reserves the right to make final judgment on the dispute and otherwise in respect of this Event.

22.In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

23.HKITP reserves the right to amend or supplement these Terms and Conditions or to terminate or suspend the availability of the Event at any time without prior notice.

24.These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the HKSAR.

25.These Terms and Conditions constitute an agreement between HKITP and the Participants. A person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any term of this agreement.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園 誠邀 迪士尼徽章愛好者 於「徽章交換同樂日分享會」分享徽章故事
香港迪士尼樂園 誠邀 迪士尼徽章愛好者 於「徽章交換同樂日分享會」分享徽章故事
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