迪士尼‧彼思《恐龍大時代》(“The Good Dinosaur” ;台譯:皮克斯《恐龍當家》)已於今日起在本港各大戲院賀歲上映。
故事大綱(Story Synopsis):
假如,億萬年前的恐龍沒因小行星撞擊地球而絕種,我們的世界將會有什麼天翻地覆的巨變?在一個恐龍話事的世界裡,初出茅廬的少年迷惑龍阿勞原本生活安定,卻因一次意外迷路,結交了一個人類小孩細細粒,成為出生入死的好朋友。阿勞和細細粒在回家路上遇到一家三口的 T-Rex 暴龍家庭,造型奇特的角龍、翼龍和迅猛龍等,展開一場緊張刺激的大冒險。
In a world where dinosaurs never became extinct and humans roam the wild, the sheltered Apatosaurus Arlo accidentally falls into a river and finds himself swept hundreds of miles away from home, where he meets the wild, fearless human boy Spot. During the journey to find their way home the duo encounters an array of intriguing characters, including raptors, pterodactyls and a family of T-Rexes and slowly becomes best friends. “The Good Dinosaur” features a simple, emotional story that everyone can relate to.
電影劇照(Movie Stills):
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