迪士尼《怒海救援》(“The Finest Hours” ;台譯:《絕命救援》)已於今日起在本港各大戲院賀歲上映。
故事大綱(Story Synopsis):
驚心動魄真人真事,美國海岸防衛隊史上最驚險的一次自殺式搶救行動。1952年2月18日,美國東岸遭受有史以來最大型颶風吹襲,肆虐新英格蘭沿岸城鎮和大西洋海域,多艘船隻被困遭受嚴重破壞,大西洋海域一艘正前往波士頓的T2巨型油輪「SS Pendleton」更被斷成兩截迅速下沉,超過30名船員被困。油輪上的助理工程師阿雷(加西艾佛力)挺身而出設法帶領一眾船員逃生。同一時間,海岸防衛隊奉命出動,由隊長班尼(基斯派恩)帶領合共4人的救援小組,卻只得一艘裝備不足的救生艇孤軍作戰。面對最強颶風、70呎滔天巨浪、嚴寒天氣和零能見度,油輪只剩下3小時便完全沉沒,海岸防衛隊如何及時搶救超過30名船員,成就這項不可能的任務?
Disney’s “The Finest Hours” is the unforgettable story of the Coast Guard’s courageous mission. On February 18, 1952, a massive nor’easter struck New England, pummeling towns along the Eastern seaboard and wreaking havoc on the ships caught in its deadly path, including the SS Pendleton, a T-2 oil tanker bound for Boston, which was literally ripped in half, trapping more than 30 sailors inside its rapidly-sinking stern. As the senior officer on board, first assistant engineer Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck) soon realizes it is up to him to take charge of the frightened crew and inspire the men to set aside their differences and work together to ride out one of the worst storms to ever hit the East Coast. Meanwhile, as word of the disaster reaches the U.S. Coast Guard station in Chatham, Massachusetts, Warrant Officer Daniel Cluff (Eric Bana) orders a daring operation to rescue the stranded men. Despite overwhelming odds, four men, led by Coast Guard Captain Bernie Webber (Chris Pine), set out in a wooden lifeboat with an ill-equipped engine and little, if any, means of navigation, facing frigid temperatures, 60-foot high waves and hurricane-force winds.
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