


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2016年 丙申猴年 大年初一 新春團拜

猴年進步!恭喜發財!奇妙年年!香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)於2016丙申猴年的 大年初一 早上舉行新春團拜,香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁金民豪先生(Andrew Kam)、香港聖公會福利協會助理總幹事岑家雄先生(Sham Ka Hung)、保良局副行政總監何錦欣小姐(Agnes Ho)在樂園內向全港市民拜年。

是次新春團拜還邀請了一班完成「迪士尼義工隊」(“Disney VoluntEARS”)「說故事」技巧培訓 及 園藝技巧的「快樂關愛大使」(“Happy Caring Ambassadors”)長者義工 和 20位來自保良局的受助小朋友一同參與活動。

官方新聞稿(Official Press Release):

長者快樂關愛大使 為孩子「說故事」喜笑顔開

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Celebrates the Year of the Monkey
With Sharing from Elderly “Happy Caring Ambassadors”


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) today hosted a Chinese New Year celebration with guests in the park. In honor of the first day of the Year of the Monkey, HKDL recognized a special group of elderly volunteers — trained by HKDL’s skill-based Disney VoluntEARS — as they shared warmth and love through storytelling with 20 children who were brought to the park by charity Po Leung Kuk.


As part of a program initiated by HKDL, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council (HKSKU) and the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund, about 30 elderly “Happy Caring Ambassadors,” organized by HKSKU and received special training in storytelling and communication skills from Disney VoluntEARS starting from November 2015. After completing over 10 hours of professional training, including giving performances in society and visiting elderly singletons who live alone, the “Happy Caring Ambassadors” were invited to join a graduation ceremony and perform in HKDL on the first day of the year. The resort hopes to train about 150 senior volunteers as “Happy Caring Ambassadors” in the next two years through this program, with an aim to share more happiness in society.


The event was officiated by Andrew Kam, Managing Director, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, Sham Ka Hung, Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council and Po Leung Kuk Deputy CEO Agnes Ho.


Kam wished all Hongkongers a happy Chinese New Year. “HKDL has a rich history of working with NGOs to bring smiles to lives in and outside of the park,” he said. “These senior volunteers are passionate about passing the skills they’ve learned in the resort to others. One of our goals is to make volunteering bigger and better through the professional skills learned here at HKDL to enrich others’ lives, make our communities stronger and inspire positivity.”

       「快樂關愛大使」的長者義工甄玉清與迪士尼義工隊,於樂園動畫藝術廊和一群來自保良局的小朋友分享歡樂故事,為猴年揭開幸福序幕。甄玉清表示 :「我從來沒有想過我會懂得向人說故事,經過學習及得到專業指導,原來我都可以說得很好,現在甚至會主動和朋友分享如何說故事的技巧。我亦很高興,自己能夠繼續為社會作出貢獻。」

The group of “Happy Caring Ambassadors” — who are the program’s first official graduating class — then led a storytelling session with the Disney VoluntEARS at Animation Academy in Main Street, U.S.A. with children from Po Leung Kuk. “Happy Caring Ambassador” Yan Yuk Ching said, “I never imagined that I’d become such a good storyteller. After getting professional training in storytelling, I’ve even started sharing my new skills with my friends. I feel excited to still be contributing to society.”


The resort remains committed to Hong Kong and the communities it serves, especially through volunteerism. In fiscal year 2014, Cast Members contributed nearly 8,500 hours of skills and services through the Disney VoluntEARS program. Through collaboration with the Agency for Volunteer Service and the “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day” program, another 480,000 hours of volunteer service were given to the community.


HKDL also has several long-term corporate social responsibility programs to meet the needs of Hong Kong’s elderlies and underprivileged.

       是次新春團拜適逢今年樂園慶祝十周年,以「Happily Ever After」為主題, 向社會傳遞快樂訊息和注入正能量。新春慶祝更是樂園10周年慶典的一部分,全年為賓客帶來一系列精彩不絕的全新演出及遊樂設施。

The Chinese New Year ceremony was a part of HKDL’s ongoing celebrations that encourage positivity and spread the joy of happy living in society. The event was also noteworthy for being a part of HKDL’s year-long Happily Ever After 10th anniversary.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2016年 丙申猴年 大年初一 新春團拜
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2016年 丙申猴年 大年初一 新春團拜
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