


香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2015財政年度業績 及 未來全新項目

香港迪士尼樂園公佈 2015財政年度業績
業務收入歷年第二高 入場人次第三高   賓客人均消費再破紀錄

Hong Kong Disneyland Reports Second-highest Revenues,
Third-highest Attendance and Record Guest Spending

2016年起推出更多全新項目   持續貢獻香港旅遊業
New offerings in the pipeline for 2016 and beyond underscore commitment to the tourism industry in Hong Kong


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) today reported its results for fiscal 2015. Despite softness in the overall Hong Kong tourism industry, HKDL reported its second-highest annual revenues and third-highest annual attendance of 6.8 million. HKDL also achieved record guest spending, marking six consecutive years of per capita guest spending growth.


The resort registered record local attendance due to the successful Magic Access program as well as popular limited-time events and exclusive offerings. Lower visitation from mainland China and the region largely contributed to softer overall theme park attendance. HKDL has a diverse guest mix with dedicated services to meet their needs. Locals accounted for 39% of total attendance, while mainland and international visitation made up 41% and 20%, respectively. Hotel occupancy was close to 80%.

       在旅遊業充滿挑戰的情況下,樂園在2015財政年度業務收入為 51.14 億港元,錄得 1.48 億淨虧損。

Impacted by the challenges in the tourism industry, HKDL generated revenues of HK$5,114 million, with a net loss of HK$148 million for the fiscal year ending in early October 2015.


“While fiscal 2015 was a challenging year in the entire tourism sector, we are committed to continuously contributing to the growth of the tourism industry in Hong Kong,” said HKDL Managing Director Andrew Kam. “We are making significant investments in the guest experience at Hong Kong Disneyland, including new entertainment just launched as part of our 10th Anniversary celebration, the opening of the Iron Man Experience in 2016 and the construction of a new resort hotel, Disney Explorers Lodge, which will welcome its first guests in 2017.”

       「我們重視度假區的長遠發展,在香港迪士尼樂園度假區投放的資源,充份顯示公司對度假區未來發展,以及香港都充滿信心。 」他說。

“We take a long-term approach to developing our resorts, and our investments in Hong Kong Disneyland illustrate both our confidence in the future of the resort and our belief in the destination of Hong Kong,” he added.

       2015財政年度,樂園推出全新的「迪士尼光影匯」夜間巡遊,榮獲兩項世界級殊榮,分別為世界主題娛樂協會頒發主題娛樂大奬中的「傑出成就獎 ─ 巡遊演出」及由國際遊樂園及景點協會頒發的 2015 卓越大銅鈴獎「最佳多媒體演出」。

Fiscal 2015 saw the introduction of “Disney Paint the Night” Parade, which has quickly become an internationally acclaimed highlight at the park. In 2015, the parade received top honors from industry leaders, including the Themed Entertainment Association’s Thea Award for Outstanding Achievement – Parade Spectacular and the 2015 Brass Ring Award for Best Multimedia Spectacular from International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.

       去年11月,樂園展開為期一年以「Happily Ever After」為主題的十周年慶祝活動,包括嶄新的舞台表演「迪士尼魔法書房」及奇幻雅緻的全新遊樂設施「童話園林 ─ 由PANDORA呈獻」。

In November, HKDL kicked off its year-long “Happily Ever After” 10th Anniversary celebration with an array of specially-designed entertainment offerings, including the brand-new “Mickey and the Wondrous Book” stage show and the whimsical walkthrough attraction “Fairy Tale Forest” presented by PANDORA.


Looking ahead, the resort will continue to introduce exciting new experiences for guests. When a new themed area based on Marvel’s Iron Man franchise opens this year, guests will join Tony Stark in battle across Hong Kong in a first-of-its-kind attraction. And the new Disney Explorers Lodge, a 750-room hotel dedicated to the spirit of exploration, is currently under construction. The hotel is slated to open in 2017 and will offer immersive, resort-style accommodations for guests with four themed gardens based on exotic global cultures.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區更計劃今年稍後以大熱電影《星球大戰:原力覺醒》為主題推出更多全新項目。明日世界的「飛越太空山」將會全面升級,變身成為充滿《星球大戰》元素的Hyperspace Mountain。一眾粉絲也將可成為「武士學堂」Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple的學員,一同以激光劍,對抗黑武士Darth Vader等邪惡勢力。

HKDL also plans to launch new offerings later this year based on the blockbuster movie “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Brand new offers include a completely upgraded look for Space Mountain rollercoaster in Tomorrowland, which will be transformed into Hyperspace Mountain and fitted with out-of-this-world Star Wars elements. Also coming to the park is Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple, where apprentices can use the Force to battle with lightsabers against the dark side, including Darth Vader.

Hyperspace Mountain

Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple

       其他精彩項目陸續而來,《大英雄聯盟》《小公主蘇菲亞》裡的迪士尼朋友將會在樂園內與賓客見面。此外,由於迪士尼小熊Duffy 和 ShellieMay廣受賓客歡迎,樂園在未來幾個月內,將開設一間以它們為主題的商店

Other incredible new experience include character greetings with beloved Disney friends from “Big Hero 6” and “Sofia the First.” In the light of the popularity of Duffy and ShellieMay, a dedicated merchandise shop will be launched in coming months.

Continuous contributions to the community


For fiscal 2015, HKDL brought about HK$9.3 billion of value added to Hong Kong, equivalent to around 0.42% of the city’s overall GDP. Also, 20,900 jobs (in terms of man-years) were created, benefiting Hong Kong’s overall economy.

       樂園於年內平均聘用超過 5,300 名全職及 2,500 名兼職員工,是香港的主要最大僱主之一。樂園致力建立專業優秀的管理和營運團隊,年內已為員工提供超過 34 萬 5 千小時的專業及技術培訓。

On average, HKDL employed more than 5,300 full-time and 2,500 part-time staff during the year, making the resort one of Hong Kong’s largest employers. HKDL is committed to developing a highly skilled and quality labour force, providing them more than 345,000 hours of professional and technical training during the fiscal year.


HKDL also supported the Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education of the Open University of Hong Kong to launch a two-year Higher Diploma in Resort and Theme Park Management, a first-of-its-kind university program for nurturing talent in Hong Kong with a focus on the theme park industry.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區持續秉承貢獻香港及回饋社會的宗旨。過去一年,樂園款待了超過10萬名弱勢社群人士暢遊樂園,透過迪士尼義工計劃貢獻了超過 9,000 小時專業的義工服務。樂園亦繼續與義務工作發展局攜手推行「迪士尼賞義工行動」,至 2010 的就職典禮起,累計義工服務時數已超過 600 萬小時。

The resort is committed to Hong Kong and the communities it serves. HKDL welcomed more than 100,000 underprivileged community members to visit the park and contributed over 9,000 hours of skills and services through its Disney VoluntEARS program. HKDL further encouraged volunteerism through a partnership with the Agency for Volunteers Services, which ultimately led to more than six million hours of service since the inauguration of the “Give a Day, Get a Disney Day” program in 2010.

      在2015財政年度,樂園更特別撥款港幣200萬元,資助香港設計中心推出一個名為「快樂D計劃」的社區活動,鼓勵學生設計出別具創意的項目,透過與眾互動,將快樂傳遍社區。活動覆蓋全港 12 個地區,參與者數以萬計。

Other community highlights from fiscal 2015 include providing support and HK$2 million in funding for the Hong Kong Design Centre to launch the Happy “D” Project for students to design a program that inspired creativity and happiness in the community. The project reached tens of thousands of people in 12 districts of Hong Kong.

       過去一年,樂園榮獲 92 個不同類型的獎項,表揚其在設計、技術操作層面、以至賓客服務、回饋社會、保護環境以及作為家庭娛樂的吸引力等各方面的卓越表現。

HKDL received a total of 92 awards during the fiscal year in recognition of its design, technical achievements, guest service, family appeal, and commitment to the community and the environment.


       香港迪士尼樂園是由香港特別行政區政府及華特迪士尼公司所屬的子公司合資成立的香港國際主題樂園有限公司所擁有。在 2015 財政年度末,香港特區政府持有主題樂園公司的股權約 53%,餘下的 47% 股權則由迪士尼公司持有。

Hong Kong Disneyland is owned by Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited, which is a joint venture between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. As of the end of fiscal 2015, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government owned a 53% majority interest in the joint venture, with The Walt Disney Company owning the remaining 47%.


HKDL Managing Director Andrew Kam will attend the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development meeting on the development update of the resort on February 22, 2016.

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2015財政年度業績 及 未來全新項目
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 2015財政年度業績 及 未來全新項目
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