華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)行政總裁羅伯特‧艾格先生(Mr. Bob Iger)於近日接受BBC旗下的Newsbeat的訪問時向傳媒透露華特迪士尼製片廠(The Walt Disney Studios)將於未來推出更多 MARVEL 以及《星球大戰》(Star Wars)的電影。
與 MARVEL 電影相關的報導內容:
When Newsbeat spoke to The Walt Disney Company CEO last month, he also mentioned there were no plans to stop expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), which has already spawned three Iron Man movies, a couple of Thors, Captain Americas and Avengers, one Ant-Man film, one Incredible Hulk and the Guardians of the Galaxy."Marvel, you're dealing with thousands and thousands of characters - that will go on forever," says Bob Iger.
與《星球大戰》(Star Wars)電影相關的報導內容:
"There are five Star Wars films - four more with Episode VII: The Force Awakens - that are in varying stages of development and production," Disney chairman Bob Iger has told Newsbeat."There will be more after that, I don't know how many, I don't know how often."
Disney, & BBC (Newsbeat)