香港迪士尼樂園10週年《Happily Ever After》賀新春
周年節慶雙重樂 齊迎幸福喜氣
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Brings Good Fortune, Affection and Magic
With a Double Celebration of Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day in 10th Anniversary
香港迪士尼樂園慶祝10週年,與賓客齊迎《Happily Ever After》賀新春!由2016年1月29日至2月21日期間,賓客不僅可以在喜氣洋溢的新春佈置下投入多項10週年《Happily Ever After》的全新體驗、品嚐色香味美的賀年美饌及選購琳瑯滿目的應節禮品,更可在2月14日情人節當天與摯愛在醉人的景致下共享浪漫晚餐。樂園在10週年慶典,和在新春與情人節的慶祝下,為賓客帶來雙重喜慶,締造幸福無限新一年!
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is getting ready to welcome the Year of the Monkey from January 29 to February 21, resplendent in colorful peach blossoms and festive Chinese New Year decorations, adding jubilance to the Resort’s ongoing “Happily Ever After” 10th Anniversary celebration in 2016. Romance will be in the air towards the 7th day of Chinese New Year on February 14. The Resort creates elegant dining settings for couples to celebrate together on Valentine’s Day at this Happiest Place on Earth.
Commencing February 8 of Chinese New Year, blessings of good fortune will be shared with all guests as they are presented a “specially minted” Mickey chocolate gold coin Lai See, on their entry to the theme park. Even the red packet of the Lai See is itself a unique keepsake for the New Year celebration in this milestone anniversary year. Mickey, Goofy and Olaf, the stars of the Resort’s newest musical extravaganza “Mickey and the Wondrous Book”, are featured along with a gold embossed New Year blessing and a Hidden Mickey. Be among the first to visit the park on the first day of the Chinese New Year and receive the Lai See while stock lasts.
Park Hours and Show Times
迪士尼朋友與賓客賀新歲 傳遞幸福喜氣
CNY Family Fun with Disney Friends adds some Anniversary Magic
During the Chinese New Year celebration, Disney friends, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto, Chip & Dale, Duffy & ShellieMay, will change from their Anniversary costumes into bright Chinese New Year outfits to share best wishes with guests daily at Main Street, U.S.A., after the “Flights of Fantasy Parade”.
Guests are invited to visit Animation Academy and draw Mickey in his Chinese New Year costumes in between enjoying the park’s 10th Anniversary attractions and the fun-filled shows and parades.
賀年美饌 「嚐」盡幸福滋味
Festive Dining In Abundance
Chinese New Year Platter
新春當然要有數之不盡的應節美食!樂園及兩間主題酒店為賓客呈獻接近80款新春特色佳餚,各有寓意,讓賓客與摯愛親朋一起聚首一堂,「嚐」盡幸福滋味!園內美食包括:美國小鎮大街 – 市集餅店的甜點「阿拔賀年」和包點「大吉大利」與「年年有餘」;探險世界 – 河景餐廳內寓意盆滿缽滿的「河景迎新春團年盆菜套餐」 及 美國小鎮大街 – 廣場飯店的「廣場飯店賀年宴」。而迪士尼好萊塢酒店 – 影廠酒廊亦推出寓意風生水起的「撈起」。
A range of 80 gourmet delights with distinct Chinese New Year flavors will fill the menus of the restaurants in the park and the two themed hotels. Why not celebrate the beginning of the Year of Monkey with a cheeky Happy Albert Chocolate Mousse from the Market House Bakery, and enjoy savory and sweet snacks bearing auspicious names like “Lucky Ball” and “Happy New Year Fish”. Celebrate family togetherness with a “Chinese New Year Treasure in Pot Set Menu” at River View Cafe in Adventureland, or feast on the Plaza Inn’s “Chinese New Year Special Set”. It will be exquisitely fun to have a “Lo Hei” at Studio Lounge at the Disney’s Hollywood Hotel with the whole family or with a group of friends or colleagues to wish everyone a year of prosperity and success ahead. Your year of abundance in gastronomy begins here at the Resort.
各式賀年禮品 寄予真摯祝福
Collectible Keepsakes Bestow Endless Blessing
今個猴年,樂園將推出超過30款賀年商品,多款迪士尼賀歲禮品更首次以「迷離莊園」內的猴子阿拔為主題,賓客可以選購各式各樣的應節禮品,連同2016 新年限量版徽章及「奇妙處處通」會員尊屬限量版新年徽章,為親友送上真摯的祝福!
Mystic Point’s monkey, Albert, will make his debut among the great variety of more than 30 memorabilia in the “Chinese New Year Assortment” to aptly mark the Year of the Monkey. Do not miss the Chinese New Year Limited Edition Pin 2016 and the Chinese New Year Jumbo Pin exclusive for Magic Access members.
雙重浪漫 與愛侶同度浪漫情人節的生辰
Dual Romantic Celebration on Everybody’s Birthday
The Valentine’s Assortment Merchandise Series
Season of Love Assortment Merchandise Series
今年的「情人節」適逢是全民生辰的佳節「人日」,樂園亦特別為戀人們推出多款特色美食及精品,為賓客與摯愛締造一個浪漫生辰。情侶們可於兩間主題酒店享用情人節自助晚餐或套餐,並品嚐情人節特飲 – 「玫瑰情人」和「粉紅情人」。想為愛侶留下一個甜蜜回憶,賓客不妨預訂香港迪士尼樂園酒店 – 華特餐廳的情人節套餐,不但有機會與迪士尼小熊Duffy及ShellieMay合照,更會獲贈一對Duffy及ShellieMay情人節系列的TSUM TSUM。而樂園商店亦推出情人節系列和戀愛季節系列精品,讓米奇老鼠和米妮老鼠及Duffy 和ShellieMay成為情侶間的甜蜜印記。
As Valentine’s Day falls on the 7th day of the Chinese New Year, the day denoted as everybody’s birthday on the Lunar calendar, the Resort presents special dining menus creating the perfect romantic rendezvous for couples. Valentine’s Day buffets and set dinners are served at the restaurants of the two hotels. Guests can also enjoy specially created beverages like “The Love Rose” and “Pink Valentine”. Bestow your loved one with the most elaborate Valentine’s Day dinner set for two at Walt’s Cafe – it comes with a lovely pair of Duffy & ShellieMay Tsum Tsum Plush and a photo taken with Duffy & ShellieMay to commemorate the special occasion. Make the day even more memorable by sharing “his and hers” keepsakes from the Valentine’s Day and the Season of Love assortments featuring sweet pairs – Mickey and Minnie, and Duffy and ShellieMay.
Walt’s Cafe Valentine’s Day Package
供應日期:2月13 –14日(17:30 – 22:30)Available period: Feb 13 –14 (17:30 – 22:30)
港幣 $1,988/ 兩位
港幣 $2,128/ 兩位(配香檳兩杯)
HK $1,988/ 2 guests
HK $2,128/ 2 guests (with 2 glasses of champagne)
1. 「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 及 ShellieMay 情人節系列
2. 於指定時段在「魔法化妝廳」與「迪士尼小熊」Duffy 及 ShellieMay 合照
3. 8” x 10”照片及數碼照片各一張(相同照片)
Package included below items:
1. One set of Duffy & ShellieMay Valentine's Day TSUM TSUM Plush
2. Duffy & ShellieMay Greeting and photo opportunity at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in a designated period
3. One 8” x 10” photo print with online downloadable photo (Same Image)
* 2 days advanced reservation is required and is subject to availability.
* Full payment is required to confirm reservation.
* Subject to 10% service charge
Studio Lounge Valentine’s Day Dinner Set Menu
供應日期:2月14日 (18:00 – 22:30)
Available period: Feb 14 (18:00 – 22:30)
Available period: Feb 14 (18:00 – 22:30)
港幣 $988/ 兩位(兩位起)
HK $988/ 2 guests (Mini. 2 guests)
將飲品升級成情人節特飲 – 玫瑰情人(單價為港幣$70)
Add $38 to enjoy a glass of Studio Lounge Valentine’s Day Special Beverage – The Love Rose upon order of the above set menu (Original price: HK$70)
* 2 days advanced reservation is required and is subject to availability.
* Full payment is required to confirm reservation.
* Subject to 10% service charge
* Contact Disney's Hollywood Hotel at 3510-5000 for reservations
Book a ticket for a double celebration
於1月29日至2月21日期間到訪香港迪士尼樂園的賓客,可以在新春及情人節的喜慶下,盡情投入10週年的《Happily Ever After》奇妙體驗,感受雙倍的幸福喜氣!立即預訂樂園門票,為摯愛預備浪漫驚喜,體驗幸福時刻!
The celebration of the two special occasions – Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day along with the ongoing 10th Anniversary celebration – will deliver double happiness to guests visiting Hong Kong Disneyland Resort from January 29 to February 21, 2016. Book theme park tickets and reserve a table for your special Valentine’s Day rendezvous immediately to enjoy festive anniversary magic at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.
About the 10th Anniversary Celebration
為慶祝10週年,香港迪士尼樂園度假區以一系列精彩不絕的全新演出及遊樂設施,帶領賓客投入多個迪士尼故事!萬眾期待的全新音樂劇「迪士尼魔法書房」,由米奇老鼠和高飛帶領賓客穿梭7個迪士尼故事,透過華麗表演與嶄新舞台技術,投入一個新層次的奇妙旅程;「童話園林」— 由PANDORA呈獻把5個經典童話的故事場景活現眼前,透過園林中的故事書與音樂盒,啟動各個迪士尼公主的經典故事場景;晚間的「星夢奇緣」煙花表演加入嶄新的影像投影技術,睡公主城堡上的投影影像會與空中的璀璨煙花互相融合,大放異彩。米奇老鼠、米妮老鼠與一眾迪士尼朋友亦準備就緒,與賓客歡度10週年慶典盛會。
Committed to creating “Happily Ever After” moments for guests, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort marks the 10th Anniversary celebration this year with new and spectacular live shows and attractions that bring more Disney stories to life, making the theme park experience a grand show in its own right. The "Mickey and the Wondrous Book" live musical show is a convergence of artistries and technologies in the largest-ever production scale to celebrate seven beloved Disney stories, with Mickey Mouse and Goofy leading guests through the magical journey on a new level. The enchanting “Fairy Tale Forest – Presented by PANDORA” recreates five classic Disney fairytales’ iconic scenes in miniature in the winding, living storybook realm. The music-box scenes come to life when activated to re-enact well-loved scenes from the classic Disney Princess stories. The exhilarating “Disney in the Stars” Fireworks show is made more breathtakingly brilliant with magical lighting and video projection on the Sleeping Beauty Castle, devised with sophisticated projection mapping technology. Mickey, Minnie and all their friends are dressed to celebrate Hong Kong Disneyland’s milestone anniversary and are ready to capture cherished moments with guests.
© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
1. 香港迪士尼樂園 10週年慶典(Hong Kong Disneyland 10th Anniversary Celebration)
2. 香港迪士尼樂園 2016農曆新年「阿拔」毛公仔
3. 香港迪士尼樂園 2016丙申猴年 農曆新年主題限量版徽章 及 「奇妙處處通」會員尊屬限量版新年徽章
4. 香港迪士尼樂園 2016丙申猴年 農曆新年「Tsum Tsum」毛公仔套裝
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
1. 香港迪士尼樂園 10週年慶典(Hong Kong Disneyland 10th Anniversary Celebration)
2. 香港迪士尼樂園 2016農曆新年「阿拔」毛公仔
3. 香港迪士尼樂園 2016丙申猴年 農曆新年主題限量版徽章 及 「奇妙處處通」會員尊屬限量版新年徽章
4. 香港迪士尼樂園 2016丙申猴年 農曆新年「Tsum Tsum」毛公仔套裝