


「童話園林」─ 由PANDORA呈獻 將於12月17日隆重登場

香港迪士尼樂園 10週年全新遊樂設施
「童話園林」─ 由PANDORA呈獻 隆重登場

Classic Disney princess fairy tale scenes come to life in a storybook realm
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort set to open Fairy Tale Forest - Presented by PANDORA
       繼一系列慶祝香港迪士尼樂園10週年的精彩活動於11月中旬推出後,全新遊樂設施 「童話園林」- 由PANDORA呈獻即將於12月17日幻想世界隆重登場,帶領賓客投入各個迪士尼公主的經典童話。樂園今天與PANDORA正式宣布成立企業聯盟,見證雙方成為企業聯盟夥伴,並率先介紹由PANDORA贊助的全新遊樂設施「童話園林」。

Classic Disney princess fairy tale scenes are brought to life in Hong Kong Disneyland’s new attraction “Fairy Tale Forest - Presented by PANDORA”. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and PANDORA had an official launching ceremony today to commemorate PANDORA’s sponsorship of this attraction, scheduled to open on December 17, 2015, during the resort’s 10th Anniversary celebration.


As the Official Charm Bracelet of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, PANDORA, in collaboration with the resort, has also introduced the PANDORA Disney Parks Collection.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁金民豪先生於宣佈儀式上表示:「香港迪士尼樂園很高興在10周年的喜慶日子,與PANDORA成為長期的企業聯盟,藉著雙方品牌活現故事的能力,以創新方式為亞太區市場締造『Happily Ever After』幸福時刻。」

“In celebrating the 10th anniversary, Hong Kong Disneyland is glad to forge a long-term strategic alliance with PANDORA that uses storytelling and creativity from both brands to create more happily ever after moments to our guests, especially those from the Asian markets,” Mr. Andrew Kam, Managing Director, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort said when officiating the launching ceremony with PANDORA.

     PANDORA亦相信香港迪士尼樂園是一個完美的合作夥伴,PANDORA亞太區總裁Kenneth Madsen先生指:「PANDORA與迪士尼品牌有多個共同之處,兩者都以活現故事引起大眾共嗚,並致力為客人帶來奇妙的體驗,包括締造和慶祝特別的時刻,令他們可以願望成真。」

PANDORA hails the partnership as a dream partnership. “PANDORA and Disney have quite a lot in common. Both deliver a sense of magic, create and celebrate special moments, make dreams come true and both are known for story-telling that create resonance,” said Mr. Kenneth Madsen, President, PANDORA, Asia.

Reliving classic fairy tale scenes

Explore the enchanted Fairy Tale Forest where scenes from some of your favorite princess fairytales come to life in a magical garden setting beautifully crafted in miniature scale.  Discover magical storybooks, interactive music boxes, precisely positioned photo frames, castles, towers and caves along a winding path through colorful meadows, ancient forest, European gardens and whimsical sea inspired landscape in the storybook realm.


Each classic scene from five all-time classic fairy tales – Tangled, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and The Little Mermaid – is brought to life in captivating animation, choreographed to the iconic tunes of those tales.

       奇妙的旅程將由《魔髮奇緣》的故事開始,長髮公主樂佩長年被困於高塔,當她攀爬出窗外,決心利用其長髮離開的時候,意外地遇到費華特。賓客可以在「I See the Light」的音樂下,重溫費華特帶著樂佩坐在小木船上觀賞漫天天燈的浪漫一幕。

Come to the miniature tower where Rapunzel gazes out of her window, watching the world in wonderment. As she hoists up her incredibly long hair, she finds Flynn Rider tangled in her long braid. Share in the delight as Flynn Rider takes Rapunzel to see the floating lanterns, with “I See the Light” ringing out in the background.


In the Dwarf Mine of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Dopey playfully weaves through the rocky landscape of the mine in a cart full of jewels. The Dwarfs sing “Heigh-Ho” as the music-box scene is activated, playing the charming scene of the Dwarfs digging among sparkling gems.

       樂園亦把《美女與野獸》中位於遍地白雪和崎嶇山上的城堡從故事書搬到賓客面前,貝兒公主與野獸更在城堡裡的宴會廳一起跳著華爾茲。另一邊,在充滿歡樂氣氛的「Be Our Guest」音樂下,盧米亞茶煲太太等人,正興高采烈地準備一場華麗盛宴,誠邀貝兒公主作客。

At the Beast’s Castle perched on the snow-dusted mountain, the ballroom rotates and shows Beauty and the Beast dancing the waltz. Lumiere the candelabra and the enchanted servants of the castle on a culinary cabaret invite Belle to “Be Our Guest.”

       賓客對《仙履奇緣》的故事必定耳熟能詳。當時鐘指向子夜12時,仙女教母之魔法將會失效,仙杜瑞拉須於吊橋關閉之前盡快離開城堡。賓客亦可觀賞仙女教母唸著咒語 「Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo」,配合音樂「A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes」,為仙杜瑞拉換上華麗服裝的一幕,南瓜車瞬間出現眼前,仙杜瑞拉亦幸運地可以盛裝出席舞會。

Relive the moment when the clock strikes 12 midnight and the drawbridge of the pastel castle where Cinderella meets her prince begins to close. Guests can also share in Cinderella’s joy when Fairy Godmother cheerfully says “Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo” to prepare Cinderella for Prince Charming’s Royal Ball, to the tune of “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.”

       賓客更可一起投入《小魚仙》的幸福結局,謝登國王為了慶祝小魚仙艾莉奧艾力王子的新婚,以魔法展現他的海底王國,同時為賓客送上奇妙的水花表演。沙巴信則連同一眾海底朋友,一起唱著「Under the Sea」為大家呈獻海底世界精彩的一面。

In The Little Mermaid scene, a magical water curtain parts to reveal King Triton’s castle hidden in a grotto behind it. At the music box, guests can take a peek into Ariel’s underwater world and watch Sebastian and his many friends celebrate how fun life can be, to the tune of “Under the Sea.”


Also in Fairy Tale Forest - Presented by PANDORA, hidden among the oversized topiary mushrooms and clovers shrinking guests to the size of fairies, is Pixie Hollow, where Disney’s most famous and magical fairy Tinker Bell awaits to greet guests and sprinkle some pixie dust.

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁金民豪先生續說:「全新『童話園林』- 由PANDORA呈獻是為慶祝樂園10周年而設的遊樂設施, 5個深受歡迎的迪士尼公主童話場景將呈現賓客眼前,為他們締造獨特的迪士尼奇妙體驗。」

“Fairy Tale Forest Presented by PANDORA is an all-new enchanted attraction opening during the 10th Anniversary celebration which allows guests to discover the most iconic moments from five of the most cherished Disney Princess stories.” said Mr. Kam.

Collaboration with PANDORA extends the whimsical magic
       暢玩遊樂設施後,賓客可以選購PANDORA 迪士尼系列串飾,延續他們的童話故事。樂園內首個PANDORA專櫃已於12月1日起在美國小鎮大街的「廣場時尚店」內營運,其他設於幻想世界「童話藝坊」迷離莊園「迷離珍藏店」香港迪士尼樂園酒店「皇庭禮品店」的PANDORA專櫃亦將於2016年2月相繼登場香港迪士尼樂園是現時亞太區內唯一發售PANDORA迪士尼樂園系列珠寶的地點。PANDORA更會於明年春季推出香港迪士尼樂園獨家系列。

Guests can continue their own fairy tales by taking home a PANDORA charm. The first dedicated PANDORA counter at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is available at Center Street Boutique since December 1, 2015. Three more dedicated counters will open at Storybook Shoppe, The Archive Shop and Kingdom Gifts in February 2016. Hong Kong Disneyland is currently the only Disney Park in Asia to offer the Disney Parks Collection, and PANDORA will also create a Hong Kong Disneyland exclusive collection by next spring.

香港居民專享優惠    盡享A Happily Ever After Christmas
Special offers to enjoy A Happily Ever After Christmas Celebration

       萬勿錯過一系列精彩不絕的10周年慶祝活動,香港居民可由即日起至2016年1月3日,選購「4人樂遊HK$1,616聖誕套票」。「奇妙處處通」金卡售價下調達14%,成人金卡新會員價為港幣$1,888,兒童金卡新售價為港幣$1,345。把握機會,與摯愛親朋一起親身感受Happily Ever After的感動,揭開幸福序幕!詳情請瀏覽香港迪士尼樂園網站

Guests from Hong Kong can enjoy A Happily Ever After Christmas together with family and friends with a special offer of “Christmas Party of 4” at HK$ 1,616 for Hong Kong residents from now till January 3, 2016.  In addition, guests can also enjoy 14% reduction for Gold Magic Access Membership prices, at HK$ 1,888 for an adult and HK$ 1,345 for a child, to take part in the park’s 10th Anniversary celebration for a whole year. Come and find your “Happily Ever After” moments with your friends and families now. For more information, please visit

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

PANDORA counter at Center Street Boutique on Main Street, U.S.A.:



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「童話園林」─ 由PANDORA呈獻 將於12月17日隆重登場
「童話園林」─ 由PANDORA呈獻 將於12月17日隆重登場
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