


香港迪士尼樂園10週年慶典揭開《Happily Ever After》幸福序幕

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全新百老匯式音樂劇「迪士尼魔法書房」及「童話園林」 盛大登場!

Epic Disney shows create Happily Ever After moments for all in the milestone year
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort debuts Broadway-style live show and new attractions to bring on festive cheer during the 10th Anniversary

把握香港居民專享優惠    與摯愛盡享A Happily Ever After Christmas!

Special offers for Hong Kong residents to enjoy A Happily Ever After Christmas celebration with friends and family

       為慶祝10周年,香港迪士尼樂園度假區今個聖誕將化身成華麗大舞台,一系列精彩不絕的全新演出及遊樂設施將由11月起陸續推出,帶領賓客投入多個迪士尼故事,攜手揭開《Happily Ever After》幸福序幕!

Committed to creating “Happily Ever After” moments for guests, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort marks the 10th Anniversary celebrations this year with new and spectacular live shows and attractions that bring more Disney stories to life, making the theme park experience a grand show in its own right.

~ 音樂鉅獻「迪士尼魔法書房」— 展開奇妙歷險 ~
~ Journey through a live magical book ~

The much-awaited "Mickey and the Wondrous Book" live musical show is a convergence of artistries and technologies in the largest-ever production scale to celebrate seven beloved Disney stories, with Mickey Mouse and Goofy leading guests through the magical journey on a new level. It is a mixture of modern and classic with rich show elements – from story, music, choreography to costume and set design.


The 28-minute new stage show opening at Disney’s Storybook Theater begins with Mickey Mouse and Goofy discovering that a wondrous book exists in a library. To their astonishment, when the book opens, the warm-hug-loving snowman Olaf falls out from the pages. Mickey immediately comes to the realization that he needs to help Olaf return to his story before he melts. Mickey, Goofy and Olaf embark on the quest together – on a journey that’s filled with endless adventures, namely “ The Jungle Book,” “The Little Mermaid,” “Tangled,” “Brave,” “Aladdin,” “The Princess and the Frog” and finally, “Frozen.”

       香港迪士尼樂園度假區娛樂事務及服裝總監利百為 (David Lightbody)表示:「『迪士尼魔法書房』台前幕後的製作團隊超過200人,來自10個不同國家及地區,當中包括70來自世界各地及本地的表演者,花上8星期排練演出,致力透過精湛演技及新媒體互動,為賓客呈獻史無前例、震人心弦的華麗現場表演。這齣百老匯式音樂劇鉅製將展示23款原創服飾,多首扣人心弦的迪士尼原創與經典歌曲以63款管弦樂器重新編奏,表演者舞蹈精湛。而為慶祝樂園10周年特別創作的主題歌曲《Happily Ever After》更會壓軸登場,為華麗的演出帶來圓滿的結局。」

“The new stage show is packed full of rich, high-quality theatrical elements, which are brought to life by over 200 production team members from 10 different nationalities. Among them are 70 local and international performers,” said David Lightbody, Director, Entertainment & Costuming, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “We have spent 8 weeks for rehearsals. We perform in the 23 original costume designs certainly complement this very beautiful and dynamic musical theater performance, singing and dancing to sophisticated original and rearranged classic musical scores under a 63-piece orchestra, culminating in the resort’s uplifting 10th anniversary theme song, ‘Happily Ever After.’ The entire crew of cast members is involved in the on-stage performance, backstage management and production, dedicated to delivering a world-class performance and giving our guests their very first experience of live theater on a grand scale.”

~ 「星夢奇緣」煙花表演 — 城堡投影新演繹 ~
~ Brilliant castle projection adds magic to fireworks show ~

The exhilarating “Disney in the Stars” Fireworks show is made more breathtakingly brilliant with magical lighting and video projection devised with sophisticated projection mapping technology. Sleeping Beauty Castle is set aglow from street to sky every night in the all-new moving light projection show. The Castle serves as the giant stage to present a new sterling cast of 49 beloved Disney friends, including 16 newly added characters – Joy and Sadness from “Inside Out,” Nemo and Dory from “Finding Nemo,” and the new upcoming release “Finding Dory,” Hiro and Baymax from “Big Hero Six” and Lightning McQueen from “Cars.” The seamless choreography of stunning fireworks and Castle projection wows guests with magical transformations in front of the guests’ very own eyes, making it a perfect finale for a magical day at the theme park.


“‘Disney in the Stars’ Fireworks has captured the imagination of our guests since day one. The new projection elements really make it extra special and bring a whole new level of color, beauty and dynamism to what is already a well-loved show, added Mr. Lightbody.

~ 「童話園林」由PANDORA呈獻 — 再現經典童話場景 ~
~ Fairy Tale Forest-Presented by PANDORA – Picture-perfect forest recreates fairy tale scenes ~

The enchanting Fairy Tale Forest, unveiling at Fantasyland on December 17, recreates iconic scenes in miniature, from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Cinderella,” “The Little Mermaid,” “Beauty and the Beast” and “Tangled” in the winding, living storybook realm. The music-box scenes come to life when activated to re-enact well-loved scenes from the classic Disney Princess stories. Disney’s most famous and magical fairy, Tinker Bell, lives in Pixie Hollow here, awaiting to meet visitors and sprinkle some pixie dust.

       香港華特迪士尼幻想工程創意發展及演出質量總監韋愷禮(Kelly Willis)表示:「製作團體花了超過兩年時間設計及打造『童話園林』,透過優雅的園景和迷宫設計,呈獻5個迪士尼公主的經典故事。這項遊樂設施讓賓客有機會置身於迪士尼童話當中,隨時捕捉難忘一刻!」

“We’ve spent over two years building Fairy Tale Forest from its conceptual design,” said Kelly Willis, Director of Creative Development and Show Quality, Walt Disney Imagineering. “It’s an intricately designed maze set in a beautiful garden setting, presenting spectacles of five cherished princesses in every corner! This attraction is bound to give guests more chances to snap photos of these classic Disney fairytales.”

~ 《魔雪奇緣》聖誕亮燈禮 ─ 跨越魔雪國度的感動 ~
~ Christmas comes early with “Frozen” Christmas tree lighting ~

Main Street, U.S.A. is majestically festive when Queen Elsa uses her magical power to light up the Christmas tree and the star on top. An elaborate procession of stately performers, attended by Princess Anna will announces Queen Elsa’s regal arrival. She also brings snowflakes with beautiful projections that cascade all around the street.

~ 與迪士尼巨星幸福相遇 ~
~ More photo moments with character greetings ~
       巨星壓陣的10週年慶典盛會,米奇老鼠米妮老鼠、迪士尼小熊Duffy與ShellieMay等一眾迪士尼朋友,將齊齊換上閃亮高貴的全新服裝與賓客會面。樂園內的裝飾亦瀰漫著10周年慶典的氛圍,除了美國小鎮大街添上10週年徽章擺設,幻想世界灰姑娘旋轉木馬前亦設置了巨型10週年故事書拍照熱點。慶典期間,多位迪士尼朋友更會於樂園首次亮相!《反斗奇兵3》的勞蘇由11月17日起會於「反斗奇兵大本營」與賓客會面,《星球大戰》的風暴兵、《大英雄聯盟》的醫神和《小公主蘇菲亞》的蘇菲亞亦會分別於12月17日、明年2月及春季陸續登場,與賓客一起歡度Happily Ever After快樂時光。

Mickey, Minnie, Duffy, ShellieMay and all their friends are dressed to celebrate Hong Kong Disneyland’s milestone anniversary and are ready to capture cherished moments with guests. The shimmering 10th Anniversary Medallion decorating Main Street, U.S.A. and a special photo location – the “Happily Ever After” Storybook staged in front of Cinderella Carousel – enhance the ambience of the celebration. Guests will also meet Disney characters who are making their debut at Hong Kong Disneyland during the anniversary year. Come and see Lotso at Toy Story Land from November 17, Stormtroopers from “Star Wars” on December 17, Baymax from “Big Hero 6” in February 2016 and Princess Sofia from “Sofia the First” next Spring.

~ 珍藏10周年系列紀念品及享受華麗美饌 ~
~ Sought-after collectibles for mementoes and sumptuous feasts for the whole year ~
       樂園特別推出多達220款獨一無二的紀念品,讓賓客將難得的幸福喜悅永久珍藏!「邁向10週年」系列涵括樂園過往10年所有週年慶典的經典設計,而「10週年慶典」系列包羅了最多款式的10週年版迪士尼朋友紀念精品,「城堡系列」則帶來型格過人的時裝及飾物。樂園更與多個知名品牌合作,當中包括:可口可樂、Crabtree and Evelyn、Dooney & Burke及PANDORA,推出一系列紀念商品。

The anniversary is marked with special editions of 220 gift assortments. Reminisce about fun highlights from the past 10 years with items from the “Count Down to 10th” assortment. Find Mickey and friends in their festive best in the extensive “Grand Celebration” assortment with limited edition pins, or explore contemporary assortment in the “Castle Skyline” collection and unique items co-branded with some well-known lifestyle brands, including Coca Cola, Crabtree & Evelyn, Dooney & Burke and PANDORA. They make for perfect gifts and keepsakes to remember a very special occasion.


Dining at the theme park and the hotels of the resort with extensive variety of 60 food and beverage themed offerings during the anniversary year, it is as epic as the line-up of new entertainment and attractions. Whether it’s a grand family dinner, a romantic rendezvous, a relaxing tea break, or a quick snack, there are plenty of choices in the resort whenever one takes a gourmet break.


A range of Star Wars themed merchandise and food and beverage items will also be available in the park for guests to enjoy.

慶典期間,更多奇妙時刻會為賓客帶來驚喜!換上閃亮新裝的迪士尼朋友將於每天下午出席睡公主城堡前的「米奇與好友10週年出巡」。傍晚時分,睡公主城堡亦會上演約1分鐘的「Happily Ever After 閃亮慶典」投影表演。

More special moments are in store daily throughout the anniversary year. See the 10th Anniversary Celebration with Mickey and Friends in their colorful anniversary costumes traveling in an omnibus to Sleeping Beauty Castle forecourt, and get into the mood of a bright night ahead with a special one-minute Castle projection moment just after sunset with the “Happily Ever After” Twilight Celebration.

~ 免費無線網絡 ~
~ Free WiFi coverage ~

       感動時刻當然亦要即時與大家分享!由11月17日起,樂園將於指定地點提供免費無線網絡服務 “Guest-Free-WiFi” 無線網絡,連接園內各個無線網絡熱點,包括商店、餐廳、巡遊路線、樂園正門及所有室內賓客服務地點。隨時隨地都可以將幸福時刻上載社交平台,與大家分享!

Starting from Nov 17, guests can instantly share their “Happily Ever After” moments online with the park’s free WiFi service. Look for “Guest-Free-WiFi” when in the park and stay connected throughout the park with WiFi hotspots in all shops, restaurants, along the parade route, at the park entrance and all indoor Guest Services locations.

~香港居民專享優惠 盡享A Happily Ever After Christmas~
~Special offers to enjoy A Happily Ever After Christmas Celebration~
       萬勿錯過於11及12月展開的精彩10週年慶典,香港居民可在11月17日開始選購「4人樂遊HK$1,616聖誕套票」,亦可選擇將門票升級,成為「奇妙處處通」會員。「奇妙處處通」金卡售價將下調達14%,成人金卡新會員價為港幣$1,888,兒童金卡新售價為港幣$1,345。把握機會,與摯愛親朋一起親身感受Happily Ever After的感動,揭開幸福序幕!詳情請瀏覽香港迪士尼樂園網站。

Guests from Hong Kong can now enjoy A Happily Ever After Christmas together with family and friends with a special offer of “Christmas Party of 4” at HK$ 1,616 for Hong Kong residents. In addition, guests can also enjoy 14% reduction for Gold Magic Access Membership prices, at HK$ 1,888 for an adult and HK$ 1,345 for a child, to take part in the park’s 10th Anniversary celebration for a whole year. Come and find your “Happily Ever After” moments with your friends and families now. For more information, please visit

© 香港迪士尼樂園度假區
© Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園10週年慶典揭開《Happily Ever After》幸福序幕
香港迪士尼樂園10週年慶典揭開《Happily Ever After》幸福序幕
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