


《星球大戰》粉絲活動 2015 @ 香港迪士尼樂園

“Star Wars” Fan Event 2015 @ Hong Kong Disneyland
為配合《星球大戰:原力覺醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens)將於今年12月17日在香港上映,華特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)以及香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)特別安排在今天(2015年7月27日)在園內舉辦一日限定的《星球大戰》粉絲活動,當中的焦點活動有是超過110位來自9個亞洲地區的《星球大戰》迷一同參與全亞洲香港有史以來最曯目和最大型的《星球大戰》巡遊活動。

~ 活動內容 ~
~ Event Details ~

1. R2-D2 現身樂園

2. 香港《星球大戰》粉絲巡遊 2015(Hong Kong Star Wars Fan Parade 2015)
粉絲巡遊於今天中午12時正式開始,來自香港日本泰國菲律賓印尼台灣星加坡上海 以及 深圳 等地共110多名的粉絲參與今次的巡遊。




The Force is strong......  受到原力的影響,「《魔雪奇緣》小公主出巡」("Frozen" Processional)於2015年7月27日暫停演出。

3. 繪畫《星球大戰》R2-D2 @ 動畫藝術教室(Drawing "Star Wars" R2-D2 @ Animation Academy)

4. 《星球大戰》甜品及曲奇("Star Wars" themed desserts and cookie)
A. 雪戰白兵朱古力慕絲蛋糕 伴 香芒熱情果汁(Stormtropper White Chocolate Mousse Cake with Mango Passion Coulis):HK $68(*另加一服務費;*Subject to10% service charge)
- @ 大街餐廳由Coca-Cola®呈獻(Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola®)

B. 白兵芒果奶凍(Stormtropper Mango Panna Cotta):HK $35
- @ 戶外小食亭(Outdoor Vending Carts)

C. 白兵芝士餅(Stormtropper Cheese Cake):HK $35
- @ 戶外小食亭(Outdoor Vending Carts)

D. 《星球大戰》曲奇餅("Star Wars" Cookie):HK $38
- @ 戶外小食亭(Outdoor Vending Carts)

5. 《星球大戰》主題商品 @ 太空驛站("Star Wars" Themed Merchandise @ "Space Traders")


官方新聞稿(Official Press Release):


       今次巡遊隊伍來自日本泰國菲律賓印尼台灣星加坡上海深圳香港等地,集亞洲星戰迷之大成。如果每個參加者對《星球大戰》的喜愛超過10年,這次活動將會集合一眾影迷對《星球大戰》多達1000年的熱愛。巡遊中出現了多位與眾不同的星戰迷,其中的焦點參加者包括來自印尼亞洲最高的黑武士Shawn Truesdell;由菲律賓星戰迷Tiny一手一腳設計、功能齊全的R2D2;以及亞洲首度亮相來自泰國艾米達拉女王Jolynn Beernaert。整個巡遊活動長達30分鐘,絕對是一場《星球大戰》電影角色的大檢閱,讓一眾忠實粉絲感受《星戰》的狂熱魅力!

       今次強大的巡遊陣容是亞洲區首次,象徵《星球大戰》的強勢回歸。 每個參與巡遊角色服裝都得到魯卡斯影業嚴格審核,參與角色的服裝質素甚至媲美《星球大戰》電影中的道具。



The Walt Disney Company Hong Kong
to Host the Biggest Star Wars Fan Parade in Asia at Hong Kong Disneyland

On July 27, The Walt Disney Company Hong Kong will host Asia’s biggest Star Wars Fan Parade at Hong Kong Disneyland that will bring together more than 110 Star Wars fans from nine Asian territories.

The fan parade participants hail from Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong, and are some of the biggest and most passionate Star Wars fans across the Asia region. With each participant having been a fan of Star Wars for over 10 years, the congregation represents over 1,000 years of love for the legendary franchise. Guests will experience a vibrant display of fan characters based on Star Wars’ epic storyline, which includes Darth Vader, played by Mr. Shawn Truesdell from Indonesia who is also the tallest fan Darth Vader character in Asia; a fully functional fan model of R2D2 and its creator and owner Mr. Tiny Panganiban from the Philippines; and Padme Amidala played by Miss Jolynn Beernaert from Thailand.

The 30-minute fan parade will be a congregation of some of the most well-known characters in the Star Wars universe played by fans sharing their deep passion for Star Wars. The impressive line-up of fans from across Asia speaks volumes about the power of the franchise and the return of the Star Wars phenomenon. The costumes that they wear have all been reviewed approved by Lucasfilm and their high quality is comparable to actual movie props. Star Wars fan parades have always been part of the Star Wars fan culture, and this component of the Star Wars experience is coming to Hong Kong as the biggest event of its kind in Asia. Families of fans marching in the fan parade are also invited to visit Hong Kong Disneyland to see the performance and also enjoy the park’s many attractions and shows.

With the highly anticipated upcoming release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” on December 17, The Walt Disney Company Hong Kong has released a locally produced TVC featuring popular local celebrity Aarif Lee playing a Jedi knight to promote the Star Wars Jedi Academy experience and large scale exhibition at Times Square. As part of its unprecedented 6-month marketing campaign, Disney has also unveiled its Star Wars booth at ACG 2015 and its impressive installations just a few days ago ahead of the fan parade, and strives to make Hong Kong the place to be for all Star Wars fans in the months leading up to the movie release.


願原力與同在!  May the Force be with you!

Disney, Lucasfilm, and Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 《星球大戰》粉絲活動 2015 @ 香港迪士尼樂園
《星球大戰》粉絲活動 2015 @ 香港迪士尼樂園
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