財政司司長曾俊華先生(John C Tsang, Financial Secretary)於今早發表了二零一五至一六財政年度財政預算案(The 2015-16 Budget),當中提及了香港迪士尼樂園度假區(Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)的第二期發展計劃。
83. 在旅遊設施方面,政府將與迪士尼公司商討樂園第二期計劃。預計新園區佔地六十公頃,面積與現有園區相若,當中包括遊樂、酒店和購物設施。83. On tourist facilities, Government will discuss with the Walt Disney Company the Phase 2 development of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. This phase will cover an estimated area of 60 hectares, similar to that of Phase 1, with attractions, hotel development and retail facilities.
84. 迪士尼樂園的鐵甲奇俠總部,以及海洋公園大樹灣水上樂園,預計在二零一六/一七年度相繼落成。中環新海濱將為舉世知名的維港景緻注入新元素,除了引入摩天輪等觀光設施,亦會不時舉行各類嘉年華、展覽和露天音樂會等活動,讓市民和旅客享用海濱新設施之餘,亦不斷有新體驗。84. The construction of the "Iron Man Experience" in Hong Kong Disneyland and the waterpark at Tai Shue Wan in Ocean Park is expected to complete in 2016-17. The new Central harbourfront will add new elements to the renowned scenic views of Victoria Harbour. In addition to sightseeing facilities such as the Observation Wheel, a variety of carnivals, exhibitions and open-air concerts will take place from time to time. These new facilities at the harbourfront will provide novel experiences that will keep visitors and locals amused.85. 迪士尼樂園、海洋公園和機場北商業區內的新酒店計劃將分別啟動,合共提供二千二百多個房間。海洋公園亦已就漁人碼頭酒店計劃邀請業界遞交意見書。毗鄰啟德郵輪碼頭、面向維港的「酒店帶」土地亦將由今年年底起陸續推出市場。85. The new hotel projects in Hong Kong Disneyland, Ocean Park and the airport's North Commercial District will come on stream, providing a total of over 2 200 rooms. Ocean Park has also invited expressions of interest for the development of the proposed Fisherman's Wharf Hotel. Furthermore, the sites facing Victoria Harbour within the "hotel belt" adjacent to the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal will be made available to the market starting from the end of this year.
HKGOV, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort