



— 百老匯最高票房演出將首次呈現中文版;演員甄選於今夏啟動 —
Highest-Grossing Broadway Show in History to be Presented in Mandarin; Casting Begins this Summer

       上海迪士尼度假區迪士尼戲劇集團(Disney Theatrical Productions)今天宣佈,迪士尼標誌性的音樂劇《獅子王》未來將獻演上海迪士尼度假區內的華特迪士尼大劇院。這座按世界級水準打造的百老匯風格的全新劇院可容納1,200名觀眾,將位於上海迪士尼度假區的零售餐飲娛樂區內,緊鄰上海迪士尼樂園,目前正在建設中。這將是Julie Taymor出品的《獅子王》首次在全球上演普通話版本。它將忠實還原百老匯演出,並和全球各個版本保持高度一致。演員的甄選工作計畫於今年夏季在中國啟動,著重選拔及培養本地人才。

Shanghai Disney Resort and Disney Theatrical Productions announced today that Disney's landmark musical event, THE LION KING, is coming to the Walt Disney Grand Theatre, a new, world-class, 1,200-seat Broadway-style theater, to be located at Shanghai Disney Resort's retail, dining and entertainment area, currently under construction adjacent to Shanghai Disneyland park. This will be the world's first production of THE LION KING performed in Mandarin of Julie Taymor's production, exactly as seen on Broadway and in productions around the world. Casting for the show is scheduled to begin this summer in China with a focus on recruiting and developing local talent.


"We are thrilled to bring Disney's THE LION KING to Shanghai Disney Resort," said Mike Crawford, general manager of Shanghai Disney Resort. "Working with our partners at Disney Theatrical Productions to have the world's most successful and popular stage musical in Mandarin for the first time, here at our 'must-visit' entertainment district, will provide a great centerpiece for the area and an amazing opportunity for our resort Guests. The production of THE LION KING in Mandarin demonstrates our strong commitment to supporting the growth of China's cultural industries, and is an excellent example of how the resort is tailoring the best of Disney with local talent to create world-class entertainment specifically for the people of China."

       迪士尼戲劇集團總裁和製作人Thomas Schumacher表示:"對於《獅子王》能在上海迪士尼度假區的全新劇院內首映,我們感到十分高興,這將成為我們與迪士尼樂園和度假區的首度合作。我們對這個獨特的中文製作版本寄予前所未有的期待,它將聚集最優秀的本地人才,首次將Julie Taymor傑出的劇碼演出用普通話呈現在觀眾面前。"

"It is especially exciting for us to premiere THE LION KING at this brand new theatre at Shanghai Disney Resort, marking our first collaboration with our partners at Disney Parks and Resorts," said Thomas Schumacher, president and producer, Disney Theatrical Productions. "This uniquely Chinese production will be our most ambitious yet, featuring the very best of local talent, who will perform the show for the first time in Mandarin as they bring Julie Taymor's singular theatrical vision to life."

       全新普通話版《獅子王》的演員甄選將於今夏在中國啟動,並將持續至2015年年初。上海迪士尼度假區已邀請亞洲聯創(United Asia Live Entertainment)為演員的甄選工作提供支援。

Casting of this entirely new Mandarin production will begin this summer in China and will continue through early 2015. Shanghai Disney Resort has engaged United Asia Live Entertainment to support the casting efforts.

       上演17年來,《獅子王》始終獨領風騷,是紐約百老匯演出史上創最高票房紀錄的劇碼,也是全球最受歡迎的舞臺音樂劇之一。自1997年11月13日百老匯首映以來,全球已有超過7千萬觀眾觀賞了22個不同製作版本的《獅子王》,演出時數總計已相當於足足104年。《獅子王》由迪士尼戲劇集團製作(Thomas Schumacher執導),在其全球上演的所有制作版本中有5個版本持續上演10年及以上,是史上第二部擁有此傲人成績的劇碼。目前,《獅子王》已被譯成8種不同語言,除了在百老匯上演外,還在北美、英國日本等地進行巡演,包括倫敦西區、漢堡東京馬德里聖保羅澳大利亞悉尼等。全新普通話版本首映後將成為《獅子王》在全球同時上演的第10個製作版本,這將使《獅子王》成為演出史上同時上演版本最多的劇碼。迄今,《獅子王》已在全球19個國家和地區進行過演出,足跡遍佈除南極洲外的全球所有大洲。

In its 17th year, THE LION KING remains ascendant, and is the highest-grossing Broadway show in New York history, as well as one of the most popular stage musicals in the world. Since its Broadway premiere on November 13, 1997, more than 70 million people around the world have seen the 22 global productions of THE LION KING, which have cumulatively run a staggering 104 years. Produced by Disney Theatrical Productions (under the direction of Thomas Schumacher), THE LION KING is only the second show in history to generate five productions worldwide running 10 or more years. Translated into eight different languages, productions of THE LION KING can currently be seen on Broadway and on tour across North America, the U.K., and Japan, and in London's West End, Hamburg, Tokyo, Madrid, Sao Paulo, and Sydney, Australia. At the time of its opening, the Mandarin production marks the 10th concurrent worldwide production of THE LION KING, the highest number of productions running at any one time in the show's history. To date, THE LION KING has played 19 countries on every continent except Antarctica.


Shanghai Disney Resort's retail, dining and entertainment area is a key feature of the resort. The area will initially be comprised of a 46,000 square meter pedestrian-access area and will be located next to Shanghai Disneyland, the Resort's Magic Kingdom-style theme park. The area will offer guests unique opportunities to enjoy great Chinese and international dining, shopping and world-class entertainment.

© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 《獅子王》音樂劇將進駐上海迪士尼度假區
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