“Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers” (香港譯名為《救難小英雄》) 卡通系列係1989年3月4日正式喺美國嘅Disney Channel 正式播映,而香港就喺1990年先有得睇呢個卡通系列。故事嘅其中兩位主角正正就係「鋼牙」以及「大鼻」 (Chip & Dale),但要補充一點嘅係當時佢哋喺片中嘅中文譯名叫做「哲比」以及「戴爾」。雖然已經相隔咗多年,但近日有消息指出Disney 有意將《救難小英雄》嘅故事拍成以CG動畫製作再配合埋live action 技術嘅電影,形式上就好似宜家嘅電影版《花鼠明星俱樂部》咁樣!
而以上嘅消息係來自The Hollywood Reporter 嘅一篇報導:
Chip ‘n’ Dale, Disney’s classic cartoon chipmunk duo, is being revived with the goal of becoming a big-screen feature.
The studio has picked up a pitch from Robert Rugan, an award-winning commercials director, who is writing an updated take on the characters in what is being envisioned as a live-action/CG hybrid.
Mandeville Films/TV, the Disney-based production shingle run by David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman that is also behind the studio’s Muppets franchise, is producing.
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參考網站 (Reference):
1. "The studio has picked up a 'Rescue Rangers' pitch by commercials director Robert Rugan for a movie to be produced by Mandeville." (來自 From:The Hollywood Reporter)
影片(Video):Disney, "TheDisneylander55"