


迪士尼《大夢想家》(Saving Mr. Banks)於今日正式上映喇!

“Wind’s in the east, mist comin’ in.
Like something is brewin’ about to begin
Can’t put me finger on what lies in store
But I feel what’s to happen, all happened before.”
—Bert in “Mary Poppins”

又點可以錯過史上首部關於華特‧迪士尼先生(Mr. Walt Disney)嘅電影呢?迪士尼《大夢想家》(Saving Mr. Banks於今日正式上映喇!

       華特‧迪士尼先生(Mr. Walt Disney),一個無人不識的名字,他的米奇老鼠紅遍全球,他一手打造的奇妙世界、夢想王國為無數人帶來歡樂,他絕對是娛樂業界最成功和最有影響力的一代巨人。迪士尼公司於1964年出品旗下第一部長篇真人電影《歡樂滿人間》(Mary Poppins,及後這部電影更成為迪士尼有史以來榮獲奧斯卡最多獎項和提名的傑作,包括5項大獎和13項提名。風光背後,卻有一段鮮為人知的感人故事,當中包含了一個父親對女兒的20年承諾,以及一個大夢想家如何在實現自己夢想的同時也為他人圓夢。

       迪士尼 2014年新年鉅獻《大夢想家》,請來兩屆金像影帝湯漢斯 (Tom Hanks) 扮演華特‧迪士尼先生,這是史上首部描述華特‧迪士尼先生的電影,湯漢斯由造型、語氣,以至神情動作,均演得唯肖唯妙,在預告片短短幾分鐘初亮相已引起無數驚嘆和期待。與湯漢斯旗鼓相當大鬥演技的是金像影后愛瑪湯遜 (Emma Thompson),扮演奄尖腥悶脾氣古怪的英國名作家,絕對開正影后戲路。同場演出的還有金球獎影帝哥連費路 (Colin Farrell)、金像提名男星保羅基安馬提 (Paul Giamatti) 等演技派紅星。一台好戲,加上感人故事及動人音樂,目前除了榮獲金球獎及多項電影大獎提名外,亦被視為問鼎奧斯卡的大熱之作!

       值得一提的是,《大夢想家》的故事靈感源自真人真事,在電影完結後會特別播出當年電影《歡樂滿人間》的創作人員與愛瑪湯遜扮演的原著小說名作家卓華斯女士 (P.L. Travers) 的開會錄音片段,以及展示一些包括有華特‧迪士尼先生的珍貴舊照片,讓觀眾親身感受故事的真實性,以及見識卓華斯女士這位一代名作家如何厲害刁鑽!

In 1961, Walt Disney invited “Mary Poppins” author P.L. Travers to his studio in Los Angeles to discuss, in person, his continued interest in obtaining the movie rights to her beloved book and character—a pitch he first made to her in the 1940s. Still hesitant and disinterested after all those years, Travers wanted to tell the Hollywood impresario to go fly a kite but with dwindling sales of her books and a bleak economic future looming, P.L. Travers said yes and embarked on a two-week sojourn in Los Angeles that would ultimately set the wheels of the beloved film in motion.

Now, Walt Disney Pictures presents “Saving Mr. Banks,” a film inspired by this extraordinary, untold back story of how Disney’s classic “Mary Poppins” made it to the screen, starring two-time Academy Award® winner Emma Thompson and fellow double Oscar® winner Tom Hanks.

“Mary Poppins’” journey to the screen begins the moment Walt Disney’s daughters beg him to make a movie of their favorite book, P.L. Travers’ “Mary Poppins.” Walt makes them a promise to do so, but it is a promise that he doesn’t realize will take 20 years to keep. In his quest to obtain the rights, Walt comes up against a curmudgeonly, uncompromising writer who has absolutely no intention of letting her beloved magical nanny get mauled by the Hollywood machine. But, as the books stop selling and money grows short, Travers reluctantly agrees to go to Los Angeles to hear Disney’s plans for the adaptation.


        真人真事改編。華特‧迪士尼先生因為兩個女兒十分喜愛童書《Mary Poppins》,承諾改編成電影搬上銀幕。但原著作者P.L. 卓華斯女士心高氣傲,對迪士尼的動畫和載歌載舞的電影風格更是嗤之以鼻,遲遲不肯答允授權。華特‧迪士尼遊說了20年,終於邀得卓華斯女士前來洛杉磯片廠商談電影製作細節。他花盡心思,處處退讓,卓華斯女士卻不斷挑剔為難,更因意見不合一怒而去。這時,華特‧迪士尼才發現卓華斯女士如此執著的真正因由,決定追往英國進行最後一次遊說,為的是身為父親一定要兌現對女兒20年來的承諾。



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相信曾經睇過《歡樂滿人間》(Mary Poppins) 嘅讀者都會好熟呢齣電影嘅故事內容以及樂曲,而《大夢想家》(Saving Mr. Banks) 正正係講述《歡樂滿人間》嘅背後故事。

為增加電影嘅真確性,《大夢想家》嘅導演仲邀請咗《歡樂滿人間》嘅音樂歌曲創作人李察雪曼(Richard Sherman)先生為電影擔任顧問。

Mr. Banks 係一個好重要嘅角色,當中包含住卓華斯女士對父親嘅思念。而《歡樂滿人間》呢齣電影更加為佢解開咗多年嚟嘅心結。

齣電影有華特‧迪士尼先生做其中一位主角,作為迪士尼嘅「粉絲」當然會好興奮,而喺加洲迪士尼樂園拍攝果一幕更加令到本blog 嘅編輯有華特‧迪士尼先生好似仍然在世嘅感覺。另外,呢齣電影嘅特別之處正正在於當中嘅焦點放咗喺卓華斯女士果度,當中可見到佢嘅內心掙托以及佢對父親嘅關心,而故事內容的確令人十分感動(當中亦帶有一些傷感)。

值得一提,司機拉爾夫(Ralph) 係電影中嘅唯一位虛構角色。


另外,本blog 亦歡迎大家 按此 重温另一篇與呢齣電影相關嘅網誌!

今日     夢想滿人間

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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 迪士尼《大夢想家》(Saving Mr. Banks)於今日正式上映喇!
迪士尼《大夢想家》(Saving Mr. Banks)於今日正式上映喇!
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