從官圖中可以見到一班「啱Key 會」(Oozma Kappa) 嘅成員個樣好唔開心,究竟係點解嘅呢?
而喺上年位於美國舉行嘅第三屆"D23 Expo"入面就曾經講過《Party Central》原本計劃喺電影《The Good Dinosaur》開始前放映,但官方就喺剛剛公佈呢套短片將會喺今年三月上映嘅《布公仔離奇通緝案》(Muppets Most Wanted) 開始前放映。由於今年唔會有任何一套Pixar 電影上映嘅關係,所以呢個消息都算係一個驚喜!以下仲有故事大綱:
When the Oozma Kappa fraternity brothers throw their first party and no one shows up, Mike and Sulley return to Monsters University with a plan to make sure it’s the most epic party the school has ever seen. It is directed by Kelsey Mann, the story supervisor from Monsters University, and features the following voice talent: Billy Crystal, John Goodman, Peter Sohn, Julia Sweeney, Charlie Day, Nathan Fillion, Dave Foley, Sean Hayes, Bobby Moynihan, and Joel Murray (Copy from Disney.com).
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