SHDR 於今個月又有新資訊!
December 5, 2013 Shanghai
中國工商銀行(以下簡稱"工商銀行") 與上海迪士尼度假區簽署為期數年的戰略聯盟協定,成為上海迪士尼度假區的首位企業聯盟合作夥伴。簽約儀式於今日上午舉行。在來自工商銀行、上海迪士尼度假區及其雙方股東華特迪士尼公司和上海申迪集團的相關方見證下,度假區的兩家合作業主公司與工商銀行正式簽署合作協定,完成度假區籌備運營階段的一個重要里程碑。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ICBC) and Shanghai Disney Resort have entered into a multi-year strategic alliance, making ICBC the resort's first corporate alliance participant. The agreement between the resort's two joint venture owner companies and ICBC was officially signed during a ceremony held earlier today, and was witnessed by stakeholders from ICBC, Shanghai Disney Resort, and from the resort's shareholders, The Walt Disney Company and Shanghai Shendi Group, and marks a significant milestone in the resort's pre-opening development.
工商銀行上海市分行行長沈立強先生表示:"與迪士尼一樣,工商銀行始終致力於提供優質卓越的客戶服務體驗。對於今日簽署的協定及其代表的工商銀行與上海迪 士尼度假區之間建立的合作紐帶,我們深感自豪。我們期待通過與上海迪士尼度假區的企業聯盟合作,為遊客提供及時周到的園區銀行服務,並針對遊客設計豐富而 獨特的銀行產品。此外,工商銀行還將致力於為園區的經營提供配套產品與服務,希望雙方的合作能夠成為金融業支援文化產業發展的典範,以推動上海地區現代服務業的進一步發展。"
"Like Disney, ICBC provides high quality customer experiences," said Shen Liqiang, President of ICBC Shanghai Branch. "We are thrilled to establish our connection with Shanghai Disney Resort in a way that exemplifies our shared passion for excellent service. This agreement is a source of great pride for the ICBC team, and we look forward to working with Shanghai Disney Resort through this strategic alliance to create a myriad of unique products and experiences for guests visiting the resort."
As the exclusive "Official Retail Bank Participant" of Shanghai Disney Resort, ICBC will provide a number of retail banking products and services to the resort and its guests, from full-service ICBC ATMs located throughout the Resort to commemorative Shanghai Disney Resort coins.
上海迪士尼度假區總經理柯磊安先生表示:"我們十分高興能在今天——迪士尼創始人華特•迪士尼先生的誕辰紀念日——這一特殊的日子宣佈與工商銀行的合作夥伴關係。迪士尼作為世界首屈一指的度假旅行與休閒娛樂品牌,備受遊客信賴。工商銀行是世界上市值位列第一的銀行,更是中國最享負盛譽的品牌之一。與工商銀 行嶄新的合作關係將使上海迪士尼度假區向打造一個'既有原汁原味迪士尼特色,又有十足中國風情'的願景又邁進一大步"。
"We are pleased to announce this wonderful partnership with ICBC on an especially important day for Disney, as today is the birthday of our founder, Walt Disney," said Mike Crawford, General Manager of Shanghai Disney Resort. "Disney is the world leader and most trusted provider of shared travel and leisure experiences, and we are extremely excited about this important agreement with ICBC, the largest bank in the world by market capitalization and one of the most respected brands in China."
As part of the agreement, ICBC will also have exclusive integrated brand presence in the "Garden of the Twelve Friends." The Garden of the Twelve Friends will be located inside a beautiful 11-acre green space at the center of the park and in front of the Enchanted Storybook Castle, the iconic central attraction of the resort's theme park. The "Garden of the Twelve Friends" will contain 12 mosaic murals, each depicting the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac using famous Disney characters.
"Our Imagineers here in Shanghai are fast at work designing and developing this unique attraction in Shanghai Disneyland, and this is the perfect symbol of how we are designing with the Chinese guest in mind, but with a link to Disney characters and storytelling," Crawford added.
© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
另一方面,Disney Parks Blog 亦都發佈咗幾張有關SHDR 嘅圖片。
第一張Concept Art 係有高空望向樂園,當中仲有「米奇大街」添!
再放大小小可以見到一幢疑似Carthay Circle Theater (位於Disney California Adventure Park) 嘅建築物。
第二張Concept Art:
Mickey 同 Minnie 果套衫都幾似HKDL 2008年CNY 果套喎!
唔知道「味王」會唔會喺「十二朋友園」(Garden of the Twelve Friends) 裡面出現呢?
December 5, 2013 Shanghai
中國工商銀行(以下簡稱"工商銀行") 與上海迪士尼度假區簽署為期數年的戰略聯盟協定,成為上海迪士尼度假區的首位企業聯盟合作夥伴。簽約儀式於今日上午舉行。在來自工商銀行、上海迪士尼度假區及其雙方股東華特迪士尼公司和上海申迪集團的相關方見證下,度假區的兩家合作業主公司與工商銀行正式簽署合作協定,完成度假區籌備運營階段的一個重要里程碑。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ICBC) and Shanghai Disney Resort have entered into a multi-year strategic alliance, making ICBC the resort's first corporate alliance participant. The agreement between the resort's two joint venture owner companies and ICBC was officially signed during a ceremony held earlier today, and was witnessed by stakeholders from ICBC, Shanghai Disney Resort, and from the resort's shareholders, The Walt Disney Company and Shanghai Shendi Group, and marks a significant milestone in the resort's pre-opening development.
工商銀行上海市分行行長沈立強先生表示:"與迪士尼一樣,工商銀行始終致力於提供優質卓越的客戶服務體驗。對於今日簽署的協定及其代表的工商銀行與上海迪 士尼度假區之間建立的合作紐帶,我們深感自豪。我們期待通過與上海迪士尼度假區的企業聯盟合作,為遊客提供及時周到的園區銀行服務,並針對遊客設計豐富而 獨特的銀行產品。此外,工商銀行還將致力於為園區的經營提供配套產品與服務,希望雙方的合作能夠成為金融業支援文化產業發展的典範,以推動上海地區現代服務業的進一步發展。"
"Like Disney, ICBC provides high quality customer experiences," said Shen Liqiang, President of ICBC Shanghai Branch. "We are thrilled to establish our connection with Shanghai Disney Resort in a way that exemplifies our shared passion for excellent service. This agreement is a source of great pride for the ICBC team, and we look forward to working with Shanghai Disney Resort through this strategic alliance to create a myriad of unique products and experiences for guests visiting the resort."
As the exclusive "Official Retail Bank Participant" of Shanghai Disney Resort, ICBC will provide a number of retail banking products and services to the resort and its guests, from full-service ICBC ATMs located throughout the Resort to commemorative Shanghai Disney Resort coins.
上海迪士尼度假區總經理柯磊安先生表示:"我們十分高興能在今天——迪士尼創始人華特•迪士尼先生的誕辰紀念日——這一特殊的日子宣佈與工商銀行的合作夥伴關係。迪士尼作為世界首屈一指的度假旅行與休閒娛樂品牌,備受遊客信賴。工商銀行是世界上市值位列第一的銀行,更是中國最享負盛譽的品牌之一。與工商銀 行嶄新的合作關係將使上海迪士尼度假區向打造一個'既有原汁原味迪士尼特色,又有十足中國風情'的願景又邁進一大步"。
"We are pleased to announce this wonderful partnership with ICBC on an especially important day for Disney, as today is the birthday of our founder, Walt Disney," said Mike Crawford, General Manager of Shanghai Disney Resort. "Disney is the world leader and most trusted provider of shared travel and leisure experiences, and we are extremely excited about this important agreement with ICBC, the largest bank in the world by market capitalization and one of the most respected brands in China."
As part of the agreement, ICBC will also have exclusive integrated brand presence in the "Garden of the Twelve Friends." The Garden of the Twelve Friends will be located inside a beautiful 11-acre green space at the center of the park and in front of the Enchanted Storybook Castle, the iconic central attraction of the resort's theme park. The "Garden of the Twelve Friends" will contain 12 mosaic murals, each depicting the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac using famous Disney characters.
"Our Imagineers here in Shanghai are fast at work designing and developing this unique attraction in Shanghai Disneyland, and this is the perfect symbol of how we are designing with the Chinese guest in mind, but with a link to Disney characters and storytelling," Crawford added.
© 上海迪士尼度假區
© Shanghai Disney Resort
另一方面,Disney Parks Blog 亦都發佈咗幾張有關SHDR 嘅圖片。
第一張Concept Art 係有高空望向樂園,當中仲有「米奇大街」添!
再放大小小可以見到一幢疑似Carthay Circle Theater (位於Disney California Adventure Park) 嘅建築物。
第二張Concept Art:
Mickey 同 Minnie 果套衫都幾似HKDL 2008年CNY 果套喎!
唔知道「味王」會唔會喺「十二朋友園」(Garden of the Twelve Friends) 裡面出現呢?