擁有「Theme Park界 奥斯卡」之稱嘅THEA Awards
一直備受世界各地嘅Theme Park's Fans所注目,而Themed Entertainment Association (TEA)
於不久之前就公佈咗香港迪士尼樂園嘅「迷離大宅」(Mystic Manor) 獲得咗本屆THEA Awards 中嘅「傑出成就大獎 – 遊樂設施」(Outstanding Achievement – Attraction)
之殊榮。本blog 在此恭喜亨利爵士以及一班負責此項目嘅「迪士尼幻想工程師」!
以下内容節錄自Disney Parks Blog:
log 一起參觀亨利爵士的莊園!
順帶一提,位於加洲迪士尼樂園(Disneyland Resort) 中嘅Enchanted Tiki Room 以及華特迪士尼世界「神奇王國」(WDW Magic Kingdom Park) 中嘅Enchanted Tales with Belle 亦分別獲得咗"Thea Classic Award" 以及"Outstanding Achievement - Participatory Character Greeting" 之殊榮!
本blog 在此恭喜所有負責上述項目嘅「迪士尼幻想工程師」!
參考網頁 (References):
1. Disney Parks Attractions Honored with Thea Awards (Disney Parks Blog)
2. The 20th Annual Thea Awards Announced (Disney by Mark)
Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
以下内容節錄自Disney Parks Blog:
Mystic Manor at Hong Kong Disneyland received the Award for Outstanding Achievement – Attraction, which noted the original storyline, special effects, Audio-Animatronics technology, musical score by Danny Elfman, and the trackless, wire-guided ride vehicles as reasons for excellence. TEA noted that “Mystic Manor exemplifies the seamless integration of the latest technology with true state-of-the-art storytelling.”咁究竟「迷離大宅」有乜嘢特別之處呢?歡迎各位讀者 按此 前往瀏覽《魔法‧音樂‧奇幻》文章,與本b
順帶一提,位於加洲迪士尼樂園(Disneyland Resort) 中嘅Enchanted Tiki Room 以及華特迪士尼世界「神奇王國」(WDW Magic Kingdom Park) 中嘅Enchanted Tales with Belle 亦分別獲得咗"Thea Classic Award" 以及"Outstanding Achievement - Participatory Character Greeting" 之殊榮!
本blog 在此恭喜所有負責上述項目嘅「迪士尼幻想工程師」!
參考網頁 (References):
1. Disney Parks Attractions Honored with Thea Awards (Disney Parks Blog)
2. The 20th Annual Thea Awards Announced (Disney by Mark)
Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort