


「迪士尼雪亮聖誕 2013」官方新聞稿


Disney’s Sparkling Christmas spreads joy far and wide
Pumping up little moments of happiness in the city

(2013年11月14日-香港訊) 今年,香港迪士尼樂園將聖誕歡欣無限放大,樂園內外遍佈點點樂事!早前,米奇及米妮由樂園帶著象徵歡樂的米奇形狀快樂汽球到城中,散播快樂訊息;樂園更與海港城一起呈獻巨型迪士尼造型聖誕燈飾擺設,為大家的生活時刻點上色彩。奇妙快樂之旅將在樂園內延續,「迪士尼雪亮聖誕」由即日起至2014年1月5日,帶領賓客走進滿怖窩心快樂時刻的七大主題園區,讓賓客度過一個加倍難忘的聖誕佳節!

(Hong Kong – 14 November 2013) Disney’s Sparkling Christmas takes place from today until 5 January 2014. Endless moments of happiness are happening at the seven themed lands, enabling guests to have an extra memorable Christmas celebration! The in-park magical happiness was magnified in the town, where Mickey and Minnie traveled around with Mickey head-shaped Happy Balloons – symbols of happiness – to spread joyous messages last week;
Hong Kong Disneyland also showcased an array of larger than life Disney-themed ornamental globes at Harbour City, along with a campaign to pump up little moments of happiness in everyday life, allowing more children from beneficiary charities to enjoy a happy day in Hong Kong Disneyland.

全新聖誕限定「戲偶劇場」    演繹窩心小故事
Entrancing stories brought to life with the all-new Christmas special Puppets in the Park


Enchanting stories are being told at Toy Story Land, Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Point every day this Christmas. Guests can totally immerse themselves in the “Let’s Tell A Toy Story” adventures at Toy Story Land by volunteering to help tell the stories of Woody, Jessie and Buzz Lightyear with fun props. In addition to listening to the heartwarming story of “The Winter Wish” at Grizzly Gulch – a hand puppet show put on by visitors from the Wild West – guests can learn about the fascinating “Adventures with Lord Henry” at Mystic Point – a shadow puppet show performed by a Southeast Asian puppetry troupe.

「美國小鎮大街 - 聖誕小鎮」    溫馨歡騰的氛圍
Enjoy the festive atmosphere at Main Street, U.S.A. – Christmas Town

賓客一踏進樂園,即可感受無盡聖誕歡欣。「美國小鎮大街 ─ 聖誕小鎮」洋溢著濃厚的冬日氣氛,大街上兩旁的樹上及店舖櫥窗均掛滿七彩繽紛的聖誕裝飾;裝有9萬顆LED燈的巨型聖誕樹,閃閃發光,並徐徐伸延至城堡廣場;廣場中央更豎立全新的米奇、米妮、唐老鴨及黛絲的雕像,賓客可與摯愛親朋穿梭於甜美的聖誕景致中,留下甜蜜快樂印記。而米奇、一眾迪士尼朋友及迪士尼小熊Duffy均紛紛換上全新閃亮動人的聖誕裝束,聯同薑餅人邀請賓客一起歡度佳節,拍下合照,留低點點快樂印記。

Guests can instantly feel the Christmas atmosphere when they step into the Park. Sweet and joyous memories with loved ones can be created simply by taking a stroll around Main Street, U.S.A. – Christmas Town, asall the storefronts are dressed with festive garlands, lights and ornaments; the sparkling Christmas tree with 90,000 programmable LED lights is on display at Town Square; and a brand new Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Daisy sculptures is featured at the Sleeping Beauty Castle hub to welcome guests. Mickey, Disney friends and Duffy the Disney Bear are alldressed in their new glamorous Christmas outfits and eager to indulge in the holiday merriment by taking photos with guests to spread the Christmas happiness.

「大街閃雪亮燈」    閃耀絢爛的光采
Christmas Illumination sparkles in the night


When night falls, guests can join family and friends to enjoy the dazzling Christmas Illumination, where Santa Goofy, Mickey and Minnie arrive on their elegant sleigh as a prelude. To the majestic procession of dancers holding luminous snowflakes and the lighting of the Christmas tree set to a grand musical score. As it snows, the joyous Christmas Carolers will sing heartwarming seasonal tunes, extending season’s greetings to guests.


The Park and the two themed hotels have put together a selection of Christmas dining options with more than 100 dishes, including a traditional Christmas buffet prepared meticulously by the hotel chefs as well as different types of Christmas snacks, such as popcorn served in Santa Mickey buckets. Main Street Corner Cafe hosted by Coca-Cola® is serving up the all-new sumptuous Main Street Corner Cafe Coca-Cola® Christmas Menu, which satisfies all appetites. Guests can choose gifts for their loved ones from over 110 Christmas collectibles exclusively sold at Hong Kong Disneyland, including personalized Disney Christmas ornaments, Disney-themed warm winter wear, all-new Mickey and Minnie plush toys and assorted cookies!

樂園散播聖誕歡欣 凝聚快樂力量
Hong Kong Disneyland spreads happiness far and wide


“Disney’s Sparkling Christmas has brought endless joy to guests over the years. This Christmas, Mickey head-shaped Happy Balloon is helping extend a sense of merriment and spread joyous messages. We hope, through the Mickey head-shaped Happy Balloon, to remind guests that everyday moments can be sources of happiness and should be cherished,” Wendy Chu, Marketing Director, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort stated. “Besides bringing cheers to our guests, we have also organized a charity activity called ‘Pump up Little Moments of Happiness,’ encouraging the public to support and enablement of less fortunate children to have the opportunity to experience the magic of the Park.”


From today to 31 December 2013, Hong Kong Disneyland is hosting a charity event called “Pump up Little Moments of Happiness,” where one child from the beneficiary charity will be able to visit the Park for free for every 100 “pump ups” recorded on the official page ( Guests have been responding enthusiastically since the event started, enabling more children to enjoy a complimentary visit to the Park for a magical adventure.

Share the joy of the season anytime anywhere

由11月7日至2014年1月1日,香港迪士尼樂園與海港城為大家送上以「Let’s Celebrate」為主題的大型聖誕裝飾。化身成為「聖誕華麗大宅」的海港城海運大廈露天廣場,邀請賓客投入迪士尼點滴快樂的時刻。齊齊欣賞於露台上米奇及米妮的雕像,並分享一眾你最喜愛的迪士尼朋友窩心快樂的時刻,歡度一個難忘的夢幻聖誕。

From 7 November until 1 January 2014, Hong Kong Disneyland and Harbour City use “Let’s Celebrate” as the theme of the Christmas decorations to create a memorable and magical Christmas celebration for guests. Ocean Terminal Forecourt of Harbour City has been turned into a “Christmas Glamorous Palace,” where seven ornamental globes showcase many of guests’ favorite friends from various Disney stories and movies.


Meanwhile, Broadway also launches the “Let’s celebrate” campaign with Disney Consumer Product to promote happiness in the city. Customers who purchase selected electronic products at any Broadway shops will receive a complimentary “Let’s celebrate” themed merchandise item, or Park ticket to celebrate with endless moments of happiness with friends and family!

想於樂園展開奇妙聖誕之旅的賓客,可於香港迪士尼樂園官方網站、香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處、港鐵「香港站」香港迪士尼樂園售票處、香港迪士尼樂園酒店迪士尼好萊塢酒店服務台(酒店賓客專用)、香港全線OK便利店、尖沙咀「星光大道」店舖及於指定旅行社購買樂園門票。查詢或購票可致電+852 1830 830,或登入。另凡於11月24日前,登入香港迪士尼樂園官方網站( ,可以優惠價港幣$499購買「食買玩」優惠門票[1],並享有多款美食優惠及購物折扣,把歡樂回憶帶回家!

Guests looking to begin their magical Christmas journey at Hong Kong Disneyland may purchase tickets at Hong Kong Disneyland’s official website, ticket booths at Hong Kong Disneyland Main Entrance, Hong Kong Disneyland ticket express at MTR Hong Kong Station, front desks of the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney’s Hollywood Hotel (exclusive for hotel guests), all Circle K outlets in Hong Kong, Avenue of Stars Kiosks in Tsim Sha Tsui and selected travel agents. For enquiries or ticket purchasing, guests may call +852 1830 830 or visit Before November 24, 2013, guests can purchase the “Play, Shop & Dine” special offer for HK$499[1] and double their fun by visiting the Park twice within the designated period. A series of shopping and dining offers will also be available for more surprises and holiday fun! 

備註 (Remark):

[1 ]指定日子內可暢玩香港迪士尼樂園兩次:首次入園時間:2013年11月1日至12月6日期間任何一天;第二次入園時間:2014年1月2日至1月28日期間任何一天。優惠包括:2日門票一張(可於上述日期入園兩次);餐飲優惠:於指定餐廳享用美食,可享9折優惠一次;購物優惠:單一消費滿港幣$350,可享85折優惠一次。

[1] Visit Hong Kong Disneyland twice during designated period: First Visit: November 1 – December 6, 2013; Second Visit: January 2 – 28, 2014. Exclusive Offers: 2-Day Ticket (Visit on 2 days within the above designated period); Dining Offer: Enjoy a one-time 10% discount at one of the designated restaurants; Shopping Offer: Enjoy 15% discount for single transactions valued at HK$350 or above.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「迪士尼雪亮聖誕 2013」官方新聞稿
「迪士尼雪亮聖誕 2013」官方新聞稿
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