


香港迪士尼樂園「鐵甲奇俠」全新遊樂設施 開幕資訊記錄(2013至2014年)

8 / 10 / 2013:

由今年《財政預算案》開始便一直收到不少有關 Marvel 遊樂設施的傳聞,而官方終於確認咗相關消息!香港迪士尼樂園於今天正式宣佈全球首個以 漫威 (Marvel) 「鐵甲奇俠」(Iron Man) 為主題全新遊樂設施將於2016年正式「上演」!


園方於今天舉行了一個發佈會,當中由以下三位高層公佈相關的擴建項目,包括 (由左至右)

1. 華特迪士尼樂園及度假區 亞洲區總裁及董事總經理 安明智先生 (Mr. Bill Ernest, President and Managing Director, Asia Walt Disney Parks and Resorts)

2. 華特迪士尼樂園及度假區主席 湯世德先生 (Mr. Tom Staggs, Chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts)

3. 香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 金民豪先生 (Mr. Andrew Kam, Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort)

Hall of Armor

華特迪士尼樂園及度假區主席 湯世德先生指出:「自漫威成為迪士尼大家庭的一份子,我們的幻想工程師不斷構思,以嶄新的方式讓賓客親身體驗他們最喜愛的漫威人物和故事。我們非常高興將全球首個以漫威‘鐵甲奇俠’為題的遊樂設施帶到香港迪士尼樂園。」

According to Tom Staggs, "with Marvel joining the Disney family in 2009, our character and story base grew even further, and the anticipation for how Marvel comes to life in our parks and resorts continues to energize our guests and Cast. That’s why it was so exciting earlier today at Hong Kong Disneyland to announce that the very first Disney attraction based on a Marvel character experience will debut in Hong Kong Disneyland. And I’m excited to be able to share some of the initial details with you today about this Iron Man Experience."

全新的「鐵甲奇俠總部」將建於「明日世界」,賓客可以在動感遊樂設施內與「鐵甲奇俠」一同並肩作戰!此遊樂設施會以香港作為背景,賓客可以在由Tony Stark 所設計嘅動感飛船上飛越香港不同的地方。

「幻想工程師」在設計背景故事時以香港作為主題,故事講述Tony Stark 在樂園內舉行「史達科技展」以展示他的發明。

圖片 (Photos):Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, TVB, Inside the Magic

參考網站 (References):

1. "Marvel’s Iron Man Coming to Hong Kong Disneyland in 2016" (來自 From:Disney Parks Blog)

2. 迪士尼「鐵甲奇俠」設施料3年後落成 (來自 東方互動)

3. 迪士尼樂園將建鐵甲奇俠主題遊樂設施 (來自 From:商業電台)

4. 迪士尼計劃新建鐵甲奇俠遊樂設施 (來自 From:無線新聞)

5.  迪士尼將建鐵甲奇俠總部 (來自 From:有線新聞)

6. 香港迪士尼乐园新添「钢铁侠」主题游乐设施 2016年年底开幕 (來自 From:旅訊 Travel Weekly)

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


15 / 10 / 2013:


Iron Man Experience Coming to Hong Kong Disneyland in 2016

華特迪士尼樂園持續投資發展香港迪士尼樂園 帶領賓客投入精彩漫威世界
Attraction brings guests into the world of Marvel as Disney Parks continues to invest in Hong Kong Disneyland.


Hong Kong Disneyland announced a new themed area based on Iron Man, which will take guests on an epic adventure of a lifetime as they join Tony Stark in a battle against alien invaders across the city of Hong Kong.


 "Since Marvel became part of the Disney family, our Imagineers have been dreaming up new ways for our guests to experience their favorite Marvel characters and stories", said Tom Staggs, chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. "We're thrilled to bring this first Marvel attraction featuring Iron Man to Hong Kong Disneyland."

故事講述,「鐵甲奇俠」東尼史達決定於香港迪士尼樂園的明日世界園區內舉行「史達科技展」,賓客有機會第一手親眼看到東尼史達研製「鐵甲奇俠」裝甲的演變 過程,以及史達其他的創新科技發明。遊樂設施的焦點是「鐵甲奇俠總部」(暫譯)。賓客可以跟「鐵甲奇俠」並肩歷險合力對抗邪惡勢力,開展一場英雄式的驚天大戰。

As the story unfolds, Tony Stark - also known as Iron Man - has brought his Stark Expo to Tomorrowland at Hong Kong Disneyland where guests have the opportunity to see firsthand the progression of Tony's Iron Man suits and many other Stark innovations. The anchor of the attraction is the Iron Man Experience itself, where guests will be able to take flight with Iron Man on an epic adventure that not surprisingly pits Iron Man, along with guests, against the forces of evil.


Even more, this first-of-its kind, E-ticket attraction will include a storyline that takes place in the streets and skies of Hong Kong.


Set to open in late 2016, the experience will also include an area where guests can meet and take photos with Iron Man, as well as a Marvel merchandise location.


"Combined with Toy Story Land, Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Point, this new themed area underscores commitment to and confidence in the continued growth of Hong Kong Disneyland", Staggs said.


In the past two years, these new areas have increased the size of the park by about 25 percent, bringing the number of attractions and entertainment offerings at Hong Kong Disneyland to more than 100.


"The new Marvel-themed area will give guests visiting Hong Kong Disneyland even more reasons to visit", said Andrew Kam, Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland. "We are pleased to see the momentum of growth continue at Hong Kong Disneyland benefitting both our resort and the entire Hong Kong tourism industry."


Iron Man is one of some 5,000-plus characters that are part of the Marvel universe. Over the last 70 years, Marvel has continued to be one of the most prominent character-based entertainment brands. The Walt Disney Company purchased Marvel Entertainment in 2009.

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


17 / 1 / 2014:

園方於今天在「奇妙處處通」會員專頁中提及「Iron Man Experience」的中文譯名已由「鐵甲奇俠總部」改「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」!以下為相關的內容:

1. 為免影響賓客的樂園體驗,香港迪士尼樂園鐵路將於2014年2月17日起,「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」建造工程期間暫停開放,設施會於2015年初恢復服務。不便之處,敬請原諒。

1. The Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad will be suspended from February 17, 2014 due to the construction of the Iron Man Experience. Service will resume in early 2015. The railroad service will be suspended to preserve Guest experiences in the Park. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

2. 「巴斯光年星際歷險」快速通行卡服務將於2014年2月17日起,「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」建造工程期間暫停運作,並會於2016年底恢復服務。

2. The Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters FASTPASS service is suspended from February 17, 2014 until late 2016 due to the construction of the Iron Man Experience.

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


28 / 2 / 2014:

歡迎 按此 前往閱讀《HKDL 擴建直擊報導》 (2014年 2月號) 以了解本月的工程進度!

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


30 / 3 / 2014:

歡迎 按此 前往閱讀《HKDL 擴建直擊報導》 (2014年 3月號) 以了解本月的工程進度!

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


29 / 4 / 2014:

歡迎 按此 前往閱讀《HKDL 擴建直擊報導》 (2014年 4月號) 以了解本月的工程進度!

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


26 / 5 / 2014:

歡迎 按此 前往閱讀《HKDL 擴建直擊報導》 (2014年 5月號) 以了解本月的工程進度!

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


20 / 6 / 2014:

歡迎 按此 前往閱讀《HKDL 擴建直擊報導》 (2014年 6月號) 以了解本月的工程進度!

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


11 / 7 / 2014:

歡迎 按此 前往閱讀《HKDL 擴建直擊報導》 (2014年 7月號) 以了解本月的工程進度!

Disney, Marvel, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「鐵甲奇俠」全新遊樂設施 開幕資訊記錄(2013至2014年)
香港迪士尼樂園「鐵甲奇俠」全新遊樂設施 開幕資訊記錄(2013至2014年)
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