


「迪士尼黑色世界 2013」官方新聞稿

投入「迪士尼黑色世界」 挑戰全新玩法「好玩‧唔好叫」

Take the “Scream-No-More Challenge” at Disney’s Haunted Halloween

Test your ability to resist screaming by exploring the seven themed areas from morning till late night


(Hong Kong – September 12, 2013) Disney’s Haunted Halloween dares guests to take the “Scream-No-More Challenge.” Every Thursday to Sunday from October 4 to 31, the Park will extend its opening hours till 11pm, allowing guests to explore various checkpoints around seven themed areas from morning till night as they follow the “Scream-No-More Challenge” handbook and test their ability to resist screaming.   


全新玩法 挑戰樂園「好玩.唔好叫」黑點

“Scream-No-More Challenge” – a brand new way to celebrate Halloween


The brand new “Sideshow Carnival Extraordinaire” has rolled into Adventureland with a group of glamorous and extraordinary beings eager to reveal their astonishingly unique appearance and skills. Come and meet Inferno and The Crystal Temptress, who can manipulate fire and ice; Bat-Boy and the Siren of the Skies, half man, half animal creatures; the elegant Air-Abesque, a master contortionist; and the Woodland Warrior, who can blend with nature like no other.

Over at Toy Story Land, the cannibalized toy “Babyhead” from the Toy Story movie has taken up residence in a dark corner after having escaped from his destructive owner Sid. Guests can get a photo taken with Babyhead, but will they be able to stifle their screams of terror?

At the “Grizzly Gulch Halloween Fair” residents of the Wild West Town will host fun-filled old-style games. Guests can attempt to suppress their screams of triumph or defeat as they try their luck at games such as the “Lucky Nugget Wheel,” or their skill at snagging some gold nuggets in the “Gold Strike” before washing downstream to Geyser Gulch or veering recklessly out of control on “Mine Car Mayhem”.

全新黑色力量更會入侵明日世界,引發連場精彩舞台表演,帶領賓客投入「明日世界怪誕夜」的狂歡派對!「爆裂擊樂團」將以強勁電子音樂配合燈光飛舞與水花特效大顯鼓技;樂園更邀請到兩隊全新舞蹈團「火熱HIP HOP女子組」及「星球舞動聯盟」,與賓客狂舞高呼;同場亦會有電擊幻變扯鈴星際勁舞團表演,保證派對電力十足,令人不禁盡情歡呼!


The “Tomorrowland Party Zone” will also be abuzz with infectious energy as “Tomorrowland’s Big Bang” dazzles guests with kinetic lighting and intoxicating drumming. Two new exhilarating dance groups, Solar System Sisters and League of Planetary Movers, are also set to deliver spectacular and energetic performances, while the hypnotic Electric Emoticon and Galaxy Gothic will be present to boost the evening’s energy and excitement. Friday and Saturday nights will see popular radio DJs bringing their unique brand of game-show fun and hysterics.

Dressed in their new Halloween outfits, Mickey and friends will be waiting in Fantasyland to have their photos taken with guests. Don’t forget to explore Mystic Manor on the trackless “Mystic Magneto-Electric Carriage” or careen around the Wild West Town of Grizzly Gulch on the “Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars.”

創意主題及宣傳 吸引年青賓客
Innovative theme and online viral video to attract young guests

“Disney’s Haunted Halloween has been very popular over the years. We understand that young people love playing games with their friends. With this year’s ‘Scream-No-More Challenge’ theme, guests can test their ability to resist screaming and enjoy the excitement of Halloween in a brand-new way,” said Wendy Chu, Director, Marketing, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “The Park will not only utilize traditional media to promote the theme, but also a number of online platforms. For example, we have invited a renowned Youtuber, Ming Jai, to launch a series of short videos on YouTube to express our theme in a fun way and build buzz around the city. We will also invite popular radio DJs to play some games with passersby on the street to test their ability to resist screaming and prepare them for the range of haunted and exhilarating experiences in the Park."

網路紅人Ming仔與香港迪士尼樂園合作,推出一連三段以「好玩‧唔好叫」為主題的短片,啟發賓客入園新玩法。首段短片已於九月六日上載,吸引逾8萬點擊率。其餘兩段短片將於日內上載,詳情請留意以下網址:。樂園亦與全港最受歡迎的網上平台─雅虎香港合作,由Yahoo娛樂圈上載以上「好玩‧唔好叫」新玩法的有趣短片,鼓勵Yahoo 用戶大搞黑色創意,提供更多忍叫點子,網民更有機會親身到樂園挑戰忍叫功力。

Launched by Youtuber Ming Jai in collaboration with Hong Kong Disneyland, the “Scream-No-More”-themed series of videos aim at inspiring guests to take on the “Scream-No-More Challenge.” The first video was launched on September 6 and has already racked up over 80,000 views. More videos will be uploaded soon; further details can be found at Ming Jai’s YouTube page ( The Park has also partnered with Yahoo!, the Hong Kong’s leading internet portal, to collect creative ideas from Hong Kong’s netizens on how to prepare for the “Scream-No-More Challenge.” More funny “Scream-No-More”-themed videos will be shared with Yahoo! omg! users who have chance to take the “Scream-No-More Challenge” in the Park.

經典黑色體驗及美食精品 倍添「驚」喜
Classic Halloween fun and new Ghoulish Goodies and Devilish Bites 
更多「迪士尼黑色世界」經典好玩的黑色體驗將載譽歸來,引起尖叫聲不斷:黑暗力量喚醒了魔界之神查立保,並引起各路爪牙起哄作樂,殭屍黨與狼人族不再沉默,於美國小鎮大街上演「殭屍戰狼人」,對抗查立保;賓客更可勇闖氣氛詭異的「詭墳學院」,感受另類教學方式;而過往大受歡迎的「黑色馬戲班」「整鬼化粧間」「夜光鬼魅巡遊」乾果品牌Dole贊助的 「幻想世界派糖大召集」「驚心動魄太空山」亦會再度「驚」喜登場。

By popular demand, loads of classic Halloween fun will return to the Park this Halloween with a few new twists. The god of all evil, Chernabog, will incite an intense battle for domination between Werewolves and Vampires, who will gather for an ultimate showdown at “Main Street, U.S.A. – Clash of Evil” as they attempt to escape falling prey to Chernabog. At “Graves Academy,” guests can enroll to experience its frightening curriculum, but they should beware of the sinister Principal Graves. “Revenge of the Headless Horseman,” “Boo-tique,” “Glow in the Park Parade,”“Space Mountain - Ghost Galaxy” and “Trick or Treat Spooktacular,” sponsored by Dole, will all return this year.


Guests can take a break between challenges to visit the restaurants in the Park and the two themed hotels to choose from a selection of over 80 devilish bites and bedeviled drinks, such as the “Main Street Haunted Halloween Afternoon Tea Set” at Main Street Corner Cafe. “Jack’s Shrimp Dumpling” and the special “Jack’s World” drink are also perfect choices and are available at Crystal Lotus in Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel. Over 100 Halloween-themed goodies will also be available at the Park, ranging from apparel – including a new Glow-In-The-Dark collection inspired by Jack Skellington from “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and the “Mickey Family in Halloween” collection – to home décor items, souvenirs and sweets.

本地服裝品牌 Giordano 亦與迪士尼消費品部再次合作,以「迪士尼黑色世界」為靈感,於9月底推出以變奏印花為主題的《Disney Ready to Transform collection by Giordano》系列,備有男裝、女裝各三款,部份款式更於樂園獨家發售。系列印花採用兩種不同的印製效果,例如一半使用螢光線條、另一半使用大熱的heat transfer優質技術印製,雙重變奏效果立體細緻,讓賓客整「裝」待發,投入「驚」喜旅程!而Xbox360將於幻想世界皇室宴會廳呈獻「體感遊戲區」,賓客可即場體驗非一般的迪士尼大冒險,甚至將它們帶回家繼續自己的冒險旅程。

Inspired by Disney’s Haunted Halloween, Giordano and Disney Consumer Products are once again launching the Halloween-themed “Disney Ready to Transform Collection by Giordano,” which comprises 3 styles for men and women. The collection features innovative print variations against a dark background. For example, fluorescent line design combines with heat transfer printing on the same piece of clothing, giving guests multiple style options to get their adrenaline pumping and to prepare them to take the “Scream-No-More Challenge” in the Park!  In addition, Xbox 360 will present motion-sensing games outside Royal Banquet Hall in Fantasyland. Guests can indulge in an extraordinary Disney adventure, and the games are available for purchase to ensure that the exciting thrills of the gaming world continue at home.

“Play-it-all” with a single ticket at all checkpoints throughout Hong Kong Disneyland


Guests can opt to purchase 1-Day Tickets[1]. Thursday Night Pass holders will be able to visit the Park on the four Thursday nights[2] during the Disney’s Haunted Halloween period.
to explore the Park from morning till night or buy Night Tickets for HK$299 to indulge in the frightful fun from 6pm to 11pm. In addition, from September 19, Thursday Night Passes for HK$300 will be available at all Circle K outlets in Hong Kong

尊享黑色「幽」遊團 入住萬聖節主題套房
Enjoy the “Halloween Dark Elite Tour” or stay in a Halloween-themed hotel room


For the price of HK$4,488, guests can enjoy a guided “Halloween Dark Elite Tour,featuring a tailor-made itinerary for a maximum of six guests. They will have the privilege of direct entrance to all attractions, plus the two Halloween favorites – “Graves Academy” and “Revenge of the Headless Horseman.” They will also be able to enjoy the “Glow in the Park Parade” from a designated VIP viewing area as well as an exclusive meet and greet with Disney Friends. In addition, guests who stay at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel can simply add HK$600 for a Halloween-themed room makeover.

想投入「迪士尼黑色世界」的賓客,可於香港迪士尼樂園官方網站、香港迪士尼樂園正門售票處、港鐵香港站香港迪士尼樂園售票處、香港迪士尼樂園酒店及迪士尼好萊塢酒店服務台(酒店賓客專用)、香港全線OK便利店、尖沙咀「星光大道」店舖及於指定旅行社購買樂園門票。查詢或購票可致電+852 1830 830,或登入。

Guests looking to take part in Disney’s Haunted Halloween may purchase tickets at Hong Kong Disneyland’s official website, ticket booths at the main entrance of Hong Kong Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland ticket express at MTR Hong Kong Station, front desks of the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney’s Hollywood Hotel (exclusive for hotel guests), all Circle K outlets in Hong Kong, Avenue of Stars Kiosks in Tsim Sha Tsui and selected travel agents. 

Simply visit or call the Disney Reservation Center at +852 1830 830 for more details on tickets.

香港迪士尼樂園的1日門票之價格:標準門票(1264歲)為港幣$450;小童門311歲)為港幣$320;長者門65歲或以上)為港幣 $100
Prices of Hong Kong Disneyland’s 1-Day tickets: General Admission Ticket (aged 12-64) costs HK$450; Child Ticket (aged 3-11) costs HK$320; Senior Ticket (aged 65 or above) costs HK$100.

10, 17, 24 and 31 October 2013.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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