


「奇妙處處通」專訪「迪士尼幻想工程」(香港) 執行創意總監尚瑪克 (Interview with Mark Schirmer)!

香港迪士尼樂園細緻打造原創故事   全球獨有「迷離莊園」讓賓客大開奇幻眼界

Transporting Guests into an universe beyond their imaginations, Mystic Point immerses guests in a mysterious adventure!

隨著壓軸登場的「迷離莊園」正式於5月17日開幕,標誌着香港迪士尼樂園的擴建計劃圓滿完成。這個全球獨一無二的「迷離莊園」揉合了迪士尼說故事的傳統及創 新的科技,為賓客帶來前所未見的劇院式體驗。當中設於「迷離大宅」內的「迷離莊園電磁廂車」更是迪士尼史上最複雜精密的無軌列車系統。

The opening of Mystic Point marked the completion of Hong Kong Disneyland's expansion project on a high note. For the first time, Guests can immerse themselves in a unique adventure of theatrical wonders that combines traditional storytelling with innovative technology and special effects. The "Mystic Magneto-Electric Carriage" in Mystic Manor is by far the most sophisticated ride system in Disney's history.

「奇妙處處通」特意走訪迪士尼幻想工程(香港) 執行創意總監尚瑪克(Mark Schirmer),了解迪士尼幻想工程團隊如何克服各種挑戰,把全新主題園區的奇幻故事呈現賓客面前。

Magic Access has done an interview with Mark Schirmer, Executive Creative Director, Walt Disney Imagineering (Hong Kong), telling our Members how Imagineers overcame various challenges to bring the mysterious story to life.

MA﹕「奇妙處處通」(Magic Access)

Mark﹕迪士尼幻想工程(香港)執行創意總監尚瑪克 Mark Schirmer, Executive Creative Director, Walt Disney Imagineering (Hong Kong)

MA﹕可以介紹一下「迷離莊園」的故事嗎?What is the story of Mystic Point?

Mark﹕「迷離莊園」是亨利爵士及他的猴子助手阿拔的家。他 們是情同父子的好夥伴。「迷離莊園」由亨利爵士的「迷離大宅」、堆滿豐富的收藏品的「奇幻庭園」、精品店「迷離珍藏店」,以及一個擁有五百個座位,用以招 待賓客的「大冒險家餐廳」組成。賓客來到「迷離莊園」成為亨利爵士的貴賓,可從容參觀莊園、大宅、餐廳等等。園內還有一個車站,大家可以看到亨利爵士最新 搜羅的珍品正在卸貨,準備運入大宅。

Mystic Point is the home and estate of Lord Henry Mystic and his monkey companion Albert. They are life-long partners, almost like father-and-son. The land is made up of Mystic Manor, his estate, as well as his collection, and the Explorer's Club, which is a 500-seat restaurant for any of the Guests that are willing to make the journey to his estate. They get to become honorary members for the day, enjoy the estate, the Manor, the restaurant, as well as his Garden of Wonders. There is also the freight depot where you can see his latest acquisitions being offloaded, getting ready to go into the Manor.
MA﹕「迷離大宅」的故事背景是甚麼?What is the story of Mystic Manor?

Mark﹕「迷離大宅」的故事圍繞亨利爵士及他的猴子助手阿 拔,及他們周遊列國時所搜羅的珍品。「迷離大宅」內展示著各種異國風情、多國特色及獨一無二的珍品。其中最新登場的珍品是一個來自峇里島的神秘音樂盒,相 傳音樂盒一旦被打開,裡面的神秘力量「音樂星塵」會令所有物件瞬間活起來。音樂盒上刻有猴子圖案且鑲滿鑽石,令阿拔對它十分著迷。大家也肯定猜得到,當這 個音樂盒在大宅展出時,阿拔一定會把它找出來及打開它。

The story of Mystic Manor is about Lord Henry, his travelling companion, Albert the monkey, and all their acquisitions that they have gotten worldwide. We feature exotic locales, international locations, and unique artifacts that the only time you'll ever be able to see them would be here at Mystic Manor. The latest acquisition is a Balinese music box, which according to folklore, if it's opened improperly, it will bring inanimate objects to life. And of course it's got monkey carvings and bejeweled diamonds all over it. And Albert the monkey is just enamored with it. You can only imagine once it's showcased in the attraction, Albert will find it and open that box.

MA﹕你如何創作「迷離莊園」 呢?How do you put imagination in action when creating Mystic Point?

Mark﹕在過去五年,近300個幻想工程師及演藝人員一同 參與設計和興建「迷離莊園」,合力把它呈現在賓客眼前。設計初期,我們先畫好草圖,用以商討及決定各個房間及場景的設計。草稿決定後,我們會砌出仔細的模 型結構,確定那些概念真實可行,並有助帶出整個故事。「音樂星塵」便是其中之一。對於我們來說,設計「音樂星塵」是一項重大挑戰。我們做了一系列模擬測試 來決定用甚麽方法來呈現「音樂星塵」,因為它幾乎可以說是整個故事的第三個角色。最終,我們用上了一種獨特而嶄新的特效,大家將在「迷離大宅」內看到。

Over the five years that we've been developing Mystic Point, we've had almost 300 people working on this project to really bring it to life. That process usually starts out with a series of artists that do some conceptual sketches that help define what the rooms and the scenes are going to be. Once those are defined in sketch form, we have to do a series of really dedicated mockups to prove those concepts are really going to work and really deliver on our storytelling. One such piece was the Music Dust. Creating the Music Dust for this attraction was a real challenge for us. We went through series of iterations on trying to figure out what would be the best thing to deliver this piece, because it almost acts as a third character in this overall show. We finally came up with a unique, brand-new special effect that has never been done in the world, and we are going to showcase it as part of Mystic Manor.
MA﹕音樂在「迷離大宅」扮演著什麼角色?What is the role of music in Mystic Manor?

「音樂星塵」是「迷離大宅」 的其中一個重要元素。只要音樂盒一打開,「音樂星塵」就會被釋放,令所有事物瞬間活起來。為加強它活靈活現的效果,我們邀請了國際級音樂大師Danny Elfman編寫主題樂曲,以豐富這故事中的第三位主角。看著「音樂星塵」在房間中飄過,配上Danny的音樂,奇幻的效果必定令大家目瞪口呆。
One of the things we are featuring at Mystic Manor is the Music Dust. It's the element that gets released when the music box is opened, and it enlivens inanimate objects. The unique piece about that is it is so alive when you see it. We are attaching a musical overlay that Danny Elfman is composing, to help us really deliver that almost as a third character to the attraction. Once you see that you'll be spellbound by watching it move throughout the room, and having that musical overlay that Danny is providing is really going to make it so magical that you can't stop watching it.
Mark﹕Danny曾參與多項電影音樂創作,當中許 多膾炙人口的更是迪士尼作品,包括:添布頓的《怪誕城之夜》、《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》、以及《蜘蛛俠》1和2等。Danny才華洋溢,而最讓我們欣賞的地方 是,他的作品瀰漫著一股神祕和複雜的氣氛,以及一點點的淘氣和調皮的趣味;這種神秘、複雜而有趣的風格跟「迷離莊園」非常相似,正是我們想要傳達給賓客的 感覺。

Danny is famous for so many projects, most notably some Disney projects: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Time Burton's Alice In Wonderland, as well as Spider-Man 1 and 2. He's got huge amount of talent, and one of the things we really liked that he delivers in his music was this kind of mystery, intrigue, a little devilish but also tongue-in-cheek with a little bit of fun in that. That's really what we are trying to deliver, is this kind of mystery, intrigue, with a little bit of fun thrown in, and I think it's going to blend itself really well with this attraction.

MA﹕「迷離莊園電磁廂車」列車系統有多複雜呢?How sophisticated is the ride?

Mark﹕「迷離莊園」的列車設計非常精密,是迪士尼史上最複 雜的列車系統之一。「迷離莊園電磁廂車」的設計用上了先進科技,務求為賓客帶來與別不同的體驗。為了讓賓客能享受近乎零距離的效果體驗,我們安排每次4輛 廂車同時出發,並按照故事情節分別安排單獨行駛、雙車行駛,最後再重新組合,穿梭不同場景。每架廂車亦會轉動不同方向和角度去欣賞大宅,讓賓客每一次的旅 程也充滿期待。

The ride here at Mystic Point is very sophisticated. It's probably one of the more sophisticated rides we have done at Disney. It's taking a lot of known technologies and combining them into one unique experience for any of the Guests that are going to get on this ride. We're trying to give the Guests a front-row seat, so what we're doing is we're dispatching platoons of four vehicles. But to help heighten the story, we're going to actually break them down into groups of two, single-file, and confine them as individual units, and then bring them back together at the end. I think it'll be really exciting for the Guests.
Mark﹕「迷離莊園電磁廂車」的另一特點是它的無軌設計。廂車看起來像自動在地板上行駛一樣,讓賓客猜不透下一步會 往那裡去。配合故事情節,赫赫有名的亨利爵士除了是個探險家,更是一名發明家;他發明了創新的「迷離莊園電磁廂車」,讓賓客可以坐上它探索大宅每個角落。 這項設計深受歡迎,更於1900年參展巴黎展覽時讓亨利爵士贏得發明家大獎。

One of the unique features for this attraction is, there is no track for the ride system. It looks like these vehicles are moving on their own just hovering above the floor and Guests does not know where their own carriage is going on. One of the things we're trying to do from a story point, is to take advantage of that and tell the story that Lord Henry with his wealth and his fascination for exploration, he's also an inventor. He has invented this Magneto-Electric Carriage to transport his Guests throughout his museum, and it has become so famous that in 1900 at the Paris Exhibition, Lord Henry actually won the inventor's award for his invention of the Magneto-Electric Carriage.

MA﹕在建造「迷離莊園」時,你們遇到了什麼挑戰?What were the challenges you encountered in bringing Mystic Point to life?

Mark﹕其中一個挑戰,對設計師而言有點可怕,就是當「迷離 大宅」所有場景的設計都定下來,整體感覺蠻不錯時,我們發現最後一個場景未必可以帶給賓客我們預期中的驚喜效果。當下,我們決定重新設計,由草圖開始,加 入更多懸疑及期待的效果。幸得每位隊員的支持,重新把它做到最好。現在回頭看來,當初所花的努力都是值得的,因為這種對細節的追求,正可以讓賓客能有更驚 嘆的體驗。我希望賓客在遊覽「迷離大宅」後會問:「他們是怎樣做到的?」

One of the challenges, which was a little bit frightening to us as designers, was when we were working on the show and we had gotten all the drawings together. We really felt we were in pretty good shape, but there were some of us that decided that our finale scene was not going to deliver the wow-factor that we really wanted this attraction to deliver to the Guests here at Hong Kong Disneyland. So we actually went back to the drawing board just for that one scene to really plus the suspense, the anticipation, and the payoff for the Guests. Fortunately, we had the support of everyone to go back and do that. Now seeing it come to life in the attraction, it's so worth every moment we spent delivering that piece, because it's really going to be that wow-factor for our Guests. I think we're going to have people walking out of the attraction saying, "How in the world did they do that?"

Mark﹕另一個難題是我們原本打算在場景裡加入真人影像。起初,我們 想過找演員在攝影棚扮演亨利爵士,甚至找一隻真的猴子去扮演阿拔,再把影像加進場景內。後來,當我們考慮到迪士尼說故事的傳統,我們覺得主角的造型應該更 加鮮明突出,而不是執著於真人模樣。我們選擇重新設計角色形象,為亨利爵士和猴子阿拔設計出真正獨特、有趣和令人一見難忘的造型。阿拔的出現令我們相信我 們辦到了!相信當賓客在「迷離莊園」看到他的時候,一定會喜歡他大大的頭和眼睛,以及其有趣的個性。

One of the other challenges too is we originally started this attraction from a design point-of-view using realistic characters. We were going to take Lord Henry and have a real-life actor filmed against a green-screen and insert him into the show as necessary, along with doing the same thing with Albert, having a live monkey playing that part. When we really went back to our mandate of delivering on classic Disney dark-ride storytelling, we said "we need to really develop and push these as characters not just as human-beings". We really went back to the drawing board at that point and came up with these really unique, fun, and identifiable looks for Lord Henry and Albert, and we think we really were successful with the development of Albert. I think the oversize head, the big eyes, and his caricature are going to endear him to all the Guests that see him at Mystic Point.

MA﹕「迷離大宅」將會為賓客帶來甚麼體驗呢?What kind of experiences are you offering our Guests?

我們為「迷離大宅」加入了大量的特技效果,相信特別 能滿足年輕賓客的喜好。當中我們用上了一些經典的特效技術,為場景帶來有趣且逼真的效果。但亦同時加入一連串二十一世紀新穎特效,保證賓客從未見過。這些 特效配合貫穿整個故事的奇幻氣氛,必定可以讓不同年齡的賓客都能輕易投入故事當中。「迷離大宅」的最後一個場景是當中最精巧的一幕,定必給予大家非常震撼 的體驗。

One of the main things that we really wanted to focus on with the Young Adults here is the plethora of special effects we provide. We have a series of old school special effects that are just fun and still deliver on the effect, but we also have a whole series of brand-new 21st century state-of-the-art effects that Guests have never seen before. We think that the mystery and the intrigue of the whole story really deliver, not only for our young Guests but Guests overall as a whole. Probably our most elaborate piece is our finale scene that just is going to blow people away.

 MA﹕你最喜歡「迷離莊園」的那一部份?What is your favorite part of Mystic Point?


Probably the main piece that I am so proud of is the linear storytelling that we've been able to develop. There's the beginning, a middle, and an end, and I think at the end of the day when you ride through it, it pays off. What we've really come to realize with all the effects, the character development, and this linear storytelling is that it feels like you're riding through a movie. I think for the first time Guests are really going to have that kind of unique experience of riding through a movie.


Mystic Point is a brand new concept with new characters, special effects and architecture that no Guest has ever seen before in any of the Disney Parks worldwide. From illustrators, model-makers and painters, to special effects, ride design and landscaping, the whole team were determined to bring the mysterious story to life for Guests. Thanks the team for putting their imagination into action!

文字:Copyright Hong Kong Disneyland Resort


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Disney, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 「奇妙處處通」專訪「迪士尼幻想工程」(香港) 執行創意總監尚瑪克 (Interview with Mark Schirmer)!
「奇妙處處通」專訪「迪士尼幻想工程」(香港) 執行創意總監尚瑪克 (Interview with Mark Schirmer)!
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